Configuring a federated repository or stand-alone LDAP registry using wsadmin

You can use the wsadmin tool to configure a federated repository or stand-alone LDAP registry.

About this task

You can use the AdminTask command, ldapsearch to help configure a federated repository or stand-alone LDAP registry by using the following steps.

Before fix pack, the application server supports simple bind authentication only and uses simple bind authentication by default.

[ or later]The application server supports simple bind authentication and Kerberos bind authentication with Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI). It uses simple bind authentication by default.


Sample Jython command ---------------
queryResult = AdminTask.ldapSearch ('-hostname -port 389 -baseDN
-bindDN CN=testuser,CN=Users,DC=austinldap,DC=local
-bindPassword Password123!@#$%^&*() -sslEnabled false
-searchFilter (&(sAMAccountName=wasadmin)(objectClass=person))
-searchLimit 50 -referral ignore')
print queryResult
[ or later]The following sample Jython command uses Kerberos GSSAPI bind authentication.
Important: Kerberos GSSAPI bind authentication in a mixed cell with node levels earlier than fix pack is not supported. ---------------
queryResult = AdminTask.ldapSearch ('-hostname -port 389 -baseDN
-bindAuthMechanism GSSAPI
-krb5Principal testuser
-krb5Keytab C:\\WAS_serv1\\krb5_sample.keytab
-krb5Config C:\\WAS_serv1\\krb5_sample.ini 
-searchFilter (&(sAMAccountName=wasadmin)(objectClass=person))
-searchLimit 50 -referral ignore')
print queryResult

To run this Jython command the following wsadmin command can be used

wsadmin -conntype NONE -lang jython -f

The following parameters are required:

Specifies the LDAP server host name. This host name is either an IP address or a domain name service (DNS) name.
Specifies the base distinguished name of the directory service, which indicates the starting point for LDAP searches in the directory service. For example, ou=Rochester, o=IBM, c=us.
Specifies whether secure socket communications is enabled with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. When this option is selected, LDAP Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings are used, if specified.
Specifies a filter to perform the ldapsearch.

The following parameters are optional:

Specifies the distinguished name for the application server, which is used to bind to the directory service.
Specifies the password for the application server, which is used to bind to the directory service.
[ or later]bindAuthMechanism
Specifies that Kerberos bind authentication Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI) is used to authenticate the application server to an LDAP directory service. Specify this parameter to turn on Kerberos bind authentication with GSSAPI.
[ or later]krb5Principal
Specifies the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service principal name that is used to authenticate with the Key Distribution Center (KDC).

This parameter is required for Kerberos bind authentication with GSSAPI.

[ or later]krb5TicketCache
Specifies the file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service principal name are stored. This file is known as the Kerberos ticket cache, and also as the Kerberos credential cache or ccache. If the Kerberosticket cache and the Kerberos keytab file are both specified, only the Kerberos credentials cache is used. If no Kerberos credential cache or no Kerberos keytab file is specified, the application server uses the default keytab file at the default system location.

This parameter is optional for Kerberos bind authentication with GSSAPI.

[ or later]krb5Config
Specifies the Kerberos configuration file name with its full path. The Kerberos configuration file contains client configuration information, including the locations of each Key Distribution Center (KDC) for the realm of interest. If no Kerberos configuration file is specified, the application server uses the configuration file at the default system location. The following information gives the default file name and location for the Kerberos configuration file:
  • [Linux][AIX][z/OS][HP-UX][IBM i][Solaris]/etc/krb5.conf
  • [Windows]C:\Windows\krb5.ini

This parameter is optional for Kerberos bind authentication with GSSAPI.

[ or later]krb5Keytab
Specifies a Kerberos keytab file name with its full path. The Kerberos keytab file contains a list of keys that are analogous to user passwords. If the Kerberos credentials cache and the Kerberos keytab file are both specified, only the Kerberos credentials cache is used. If no Kerberos credential cache or no Kerberos keytab file is specified, the application server uses the default keytab file at the default system location.

This parameter is optional for Kerberos bind authentication with GSSAPI.

Specifies the LDAP server port number. The default is 389.
Specifies which SSL configuration to use for LDAP.
Specifies how many search results to display. The default is 20. The maximum is 100.
Specifies the Context.REFERRAL = "java.naming.referral" parameter. Valid values are ignore, follow, and throw. ignore is the default.
Specifies the search scope. Valid values are sub, one, and base. sub is the default.
true or false.