Roadmap: Installing the Network Deployment product

Install IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment from the product media, from live web-based repositories, or from files that you can download from the Passport Advantage® site.

Before you begin

See Installing the product offerings for information about installing any of the products in the WebSphere Application Server family of products.

About this task

This article provides an overview of installing the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment product.

The Installation Manager product performs the installation. You can install from a graphical interface, the command line, or a response file.

At a high-level view, the steps for installing and configuring the Network Deployment product are:
  1. Install the Network Deployment product.
  2. Use the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command to create the profiles that your topology needs.
    You can create the following profiles:
    • Application server profile
    • Management profile
    • Cell profile
    • Custom profile
    • Secure proxy server


  1. Review typical installation scenarios for the product as described in Planning to install WebSphere Application Server.
  2. Install the product and create a Network Deployment cell.
    The steps for installing the Network Deployment product and creating a deployment manager are as follows:
    1. Prepare the operating system. See Preparing the operating system for product installation
    2. Access the product disk, a downloaded installation image, or the online repositories. See Configuring the product repositories in Installation Manager.
    3. Install the product. See Installing the product offerings.
    4. Create a Network Deployment environment. See Managing profiles on distributed and IBM i operating systems.

      A cell has a deployment manager with a federated application server.

      A deployment manager has only the deployment manager profile. To work with applications deployed on an application server that is part of a Network Deployment cell, you must create an application server profile and federate it after installing the Network Deployment product.

  3. Create an additional application server profile for a Network Deployment cell.
    The steps for creating an application server profile are:
    1. Use the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command to create an application server profile.
    2. Open the First steps console and start the application server, or start the application server from the command line:
      1. Change to the profile_root/bin directory.
        • [Linux][AIX][HP-UX][Solaris]cd profile_root/bin
        • [Windows]cd profile_root\bin
      2. Start the application server with the startServer command.
        • [Linux][AIX][HP-UX][Solaris]./
        • [Windows]startServer.bat

        See the documentation for the startServer command for more information.

    3. Federate the application server into the cell through the administrative console (System Administration > Nodes > Add Node) or with the addnode command in the profile_root/bin directory.

    To access applications deployed on the application server from a deployment manager, you must federate the application server. To federate the application server, add the application server as a managed node of the deployment manager.


The Network Deployment product is installed on a single machine and you can start the deployment manager and the standalone application server. To set up an environment across multiple machines, repeat the process on each machine.

What to do next

After installing and verifying, the next step is to use the product. Start the application server or the deployment manager, node agent, and federated application server to use the administrative console to deploy an existing application.