
The indicated WADS, OLDS, or SLDS could not be dynamically allocated. Either the loading of the dynamic allocation request block has failed or a nonzero return code was returned for the DYNALLOC macro. If the return code from the DYNALLOC macro is not zero, (DFR3114E) message is displayed with the return code nnnn. For details on return codes from the DYNALLOC macro, see the Authorized Assembler Services Reference (ALESERV-DYNALLOC).

If an SLDS is indicated with 'DSNAME=**** COMPRESSED DATA SET***', the information about SLDSs that is required for recovery might have been compressed by a CLEANUP.RECON command. Because IMS DEDB Fast Recovery retrieves incorrect data set names from DBRC when IMS DEDB Fast Recovery needs SLDSs that are contained in the compressed SLDS information, IMS DEDB Fast Recovery could not dynamically allocate the SLDSs.

System action

The job continues if the error occurred during the automatic determination of the last OLDS (when DBRC=N and AUTO=Y). Otherwise, if the error occurred in only one of the dual logs, the execution continues using the log data set without an error. If errors have occurred in both logs, or the mode is a single log, the job ends with an abend code of U3114.

User response

If the job has abnormally ended, correct the error (check that the data set containing the request block created by the DFSMDA macro is specified by the STEPLIB DD statement) and rerun the job. Or, add a DD statement for the data set causing the error and rerun the job. (For the use of DFSMDA macro, see IMS System Definition.)

If the information about SLDSs that is required for recovery has been compressed by a CLEANUP.RECON command, add a DD statement for SLDSs and rerun the job with DBRC=N.