Displaying the call trace information

If you enable the call trace option, you can view the call trace information for each DL/I, SQL, MQI call on the TSO terminal.


To view the call trace information, specify ./O TSOMLVL=1. FSS displays the call trace information on the TSO terminal. To suppress FSS call trace information, specify ./O TSOMLVL=0.

By specifying the following options, you can receive control at the completion of each call:

  • ./O TSOMSG=PROMPT for DL/I MSG calls
  • ./O TSODB=PROMPT for DL/I DB calls
  • ./O TSOSQL=PROMPT for SQL calls
  • ./O TSOMQI=PROMPT for MQI calls

DL/I call trace option DLITRACE=8, SQL call trace option SQLTRACE=9, and MQI call trace option MQITRACE=9 indicate that you want to receive control at the terminal at the completion of each call.

You can use the call trace options of the ./T command to override the ./O call trace options for a particular transaction.

When you are prompted with the following message:
Your options and their effect are as follows:
Causes a display of the first line of the trace and, if a database call, a trace of the key feedback area as well as the SSAs.
Causes a display of the AIB and I/O area.
Turns off ./T DL/I call trace option 8 and turns on option 2 for this PCB. FSS call trace for subsequent calls for this PCB is displayed as a single-line message to identify each call.

If ./O TSOMSG=PROMPT, TSODB=PROMPT, or TSOSQL=PROMPT was specified, they are reset to ./O TSOMSG=YES, TSODB=YES, or TSOSQL=YES, respectively. Otherwise, the ./O FSS call trace options are left unchanged.

Application program processing is resumed.

Null Line (ENTER)
Resumes processing.

If you are using IMS Batch Terminal Simulator with the TSO TEST monitor, you can use the PA1 key at this point to activate TEST. You can then examine your application program by using the TSO TEST facilities.