./E command

Use the ./E command to define the environment that the transaction is executed in.


 ./E      [APPLFE=       name_of_the_front-end_routine]

          [CONNECT=      connection_name]

          [DT3270=       YES | NO]

          [ECHKP=        YES | NO]

          [ENDROLB=      YES | NO ]

          [ERR=          R | Q | A]

          [ETO=          NO | YES]

          [FSSEND=       YES | NO]

          [IFIUTF=       YES | NO]

          [IMSSUF=       Suffix_character_for_DFSCLV0x]

          [IODATE=       date_of_iopcb]

          [IOTIME=       time_of_iopcb]

          [IOUDATE=      UTC_date_of_iopcb]

          [IOUTIME=      UTC_time_of_iopcb]

          [KATAKANA=     YES | NO]

          [LCI=          YES | NO]

          [MAXL=         maximum_number_of_lines_per_page]

          [MLINE=        maximum_number_of_lines_per_page]

          [NOEDIT=       YES | NO]

          [PA2=          PF-key]

          [PERMLOAD=     YES | NO ]

          [RCFGPN=       RACF_group_name_on_iopcb]

          [REATTCH=      YES | NO]

          [SCNDTRX=      CONT | NOCONT]

          [SPACE=        YES | NO]

          [SPLAPI=       YES | NO]

          [SSID=         ssid]

          [SYSRQ=        YES | NO]

          [UGN=          unit_group_name]

          [UIDDREG=      Userid_of_the_address_space_of_the_depending_region]

          [USERID=       Userid_of_iopcb]

          [USERIND=      U | L | P | O]

Keywords and operands

Specifies a 1- to 8-character name of an application front-end routine. For details, see IMS System Definition.
Specifies the CONNECTION_NAME when running IMS Batch Terminal Simulator in batch IMS (that is, KW=DLI or DBB) with a Db2® application. The CONNECTION_NAME is set in the DDITV02 input data set. If the CONNECT= operand is not specified, the TSO authorization ID or job name is set in the DDITV02 input data set. The CONNECTION_NAME value can be 1- to 8-characters long.
Related reading: For more information about the CONNECTION_NAME, see the Db2 for z/OS® Application Programming and SQL Guide.
Specifies if MFS bypass is supported without basic input-editing for the inbound D/T3270 data stream.
Indicates MFS bypass without basic input-editing for the inbound D/T3270 data stream.
Indicates basic input-editing for the data. The default value is DT3270=NO.
Specifies whether the ending checkpoint for all application programs is taken.
Indicates that the ending checkpoint is taken for all application programs. The default value is ECHKP=YES.
Indicates that the ending checkpoint is not taken for any application programs.
By setting ECHKP=NO, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator runs internally under KW=JBP. Therefore, do not specify ECHKP=YES under KW=JBP.
Specifies whether to issue a Rollback (ROLB) call at the completion of the application to rollback the updates made to the database.
Issues a ROLB call at the completion of the application to rollback the updates made to the database.
When the application calls GU I/O PCB, CHKP, or SYNC, all the checkpoint calls issued to IMS are bypassed in order to backout the updates. If the ROLB call fails, the database updates made by the application are not rolled back.
A ROLB call is not issued at the completion of the application. The default value is ENDROLB=NO.
Specifies the region error option when IMS Batch Terminal Simulator is run in batch IMS (that is, KW=DLI or DBB) with a Db2 application. The region error option is set in the DDITV02 input data set.
Related reading: For more information about the region error option, see the Db2 for z/OS Application Programming and SQL Guide.
Specifies whether ETO is available.
Indicates that ETO is available.
Indicates that ETO is not available. The default value is ETO=NO.
Specifies whether to request TSO/E to operate in full-screen mode. When full-screen mode is requested, the terminal operates in full-screen mode. This keyword is useful when the TSO CLIST displays the panel after returning from IMS Batch Terminal Simulator.
Indicates that the request is made to TSO/E. The terminal operates in full-screen mode.
Indicates that the request is not made. The terminal operates in line mode. The default value is FSSEND=NO.
Specifies to convert the IFI information from UTF8 to EBCDIC when Db2 subsystem parameter UIFCIDS=YES is specified.
Converts the IFI information from UTF8 to EBCDIC.
Does not convert the IFI information. The default value is IFIUTF=NO
Specifies one alphanumeric suffix character that is appended to DFSCLV0x (the generated composite control block, nucleus, MFS device characteristics table, and security directory module names). It is effective only when the transaction code is BTSAISR0. It is ignored if either ./D DDOF= or ./D TYPE= is specified.
Specifies the date for the date field in IOPCB. The date on BTS IOPCB is replaced by this value. If ./E IOUDATE option is not specified, the default is the processing date. If ./E IOUDATE option is specified, the default is blank.
Specifies the time for the date field in IOPCB. The time on BTS IOPCB is replaced by this value. If ./E IOUTIME option is not specified, the default is the processing time. If ./E IOUTIME option is specified, the default is blank.
Specifies the date for the UTC date field in IOPCB. The date on BTS IOPCB is replaced by this value. If ./E IODATE option is not specified, the default is the processing date. If ./E IODATE option is specified, the default is blank.
Specifies the time for the UTC time field in IOPCB. The time on BTS IOPCB is replaced by this value. The default is the time set on processing if ./E IOTIME option is not specified. If ./E IOTIME option is specified, the default is blank.
Specifies whether to use Katakana1 characters for I/O.
Indicates that Katakana characters can be used for I/O.
Indicates that Katakana characters cannot be used for I/O. The default is KATAKANA=NO.
Indicates if lowercase input is required by the application.
Indicates that lowercase input is required.
Indicates that lowercase input is not required. The default value is LCI=NO.
Specifies the maximum number of lines per page for the BTSOUT data set. The value must be a 2 byte hexadecimal number. The default value is MAXL=003C.
Specifies the maximum number of lines per page for the BTSOUT data set. The value must be a decimal number. The default value is MLINE=60.
Specifies whether IMS Batch Terminal Simulator can run FSS under the NOEDIT mode.
FSS can be invoked under the NOEDIT mode.
FSS cannot be invoked under the NOEDIT mode. The default value is NOEDIT=NO.
Defines the PA2 function (NEXTMSG) for the FSS session in PFK when SYSRQ=YES is specified. With SYSRQ=YES, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator ignores PA2.
Specifies whether to keep the application loaded after its run.
Requests to keep the application loaded after its run.
The application is not deleted after its run; it remains to be loaded. If the application is requested again, the loaded application is used instead of loading the application again.
Requests to delete the loaded application after its run. The default value is PERMLOAD=NO.
If the application was already loaded before this run and the PERMLOAD=NO option or no PERMLOAD= keyword is specified for this run, the application remains loaded even after this run.
Specifies a 1- to 8-character RACF® group name of the IO PCB. This value is set on the RACF group name field in IO PCB. The default is blank.
Specifies if the IMS region controller is reattached for each transaction. When a PSB is immediately rescheduled in DBB batch execution, the same PCBs are passed to the application program unchanged from the earlier execution.
Indicates that the reattaching to IMS region controller is required. You must specify REATTCH=YES when multiple PSBs are scheduled with DBRC.
Indicates that the reattaching to IMS region controller is not required. The default is REATTCH=NO.
By setting REATTCH=YES, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator runs internally under KW=JBP. Therefore, do not specify REATTCH=NO under KW=JBP.
Specifies the order in which the secondary transaction is scheduled when one primary transaction is scheduled many times on one JOB.
Indicates that a secondary transaction is scheduled after a primary transaction. The default value is SCNDTRX=CONT.
Indicates that a secondary transaction is not scheduled immediately after a primary transaction. If PLC=1 is specified with the ./T command, the secondary transaction is scheduled like as if SCNDTRX= CONT.
A secondary transaction is generally scheduled immediately after the primary transaction. When one primary transaction that kicks the secondary transaction is scheduled many times on one job, the order of the scheduling is as follows:
When ./E SCNDTRX=NOCONT is specified, the secondary transaction is not scheduled immediately after the primary transaction. When one primary transaction that kicks the secondary transaction is scheduled many times on one job with ./E SCNDTRX=NOCONT, the order of the scheduling is as follows:
Specifies whether the blank line is to be suppressed when SCREEN=INOUT and ATR=NO is specified with the ./O command.
Indicates that the blank line is suppressed to BTSOUT where the field attribute characters would otherwise be displayed in the screen image when SCREEN=INOUT and ATR=NO are specified with the ./O command.
Indicates that the blank line is written to BTSOUT where the field attribute characters would otherwise be displayed in the screen image when SCREEN=INOUT and ATR=NO are specified with the ./O command. The default is NO.
Specifies whether Spool API functions are available.
Spool API Functions are available. If ./E SPLAPI=YES is specified, and if IMS Batch Terminal Simulator is run in an IMS online environment (that is, KW=BMP), IMS Batch Terminal Simulator can write data to the IMS Spool API for IMS Spool API functions. If IMS Batch Terminal Simulator is run in batch IMS (that is, KW=DLI or DBB), the SPLAPI=YES is ignored.
Spool API functions are not available. The default value is SPLAPI=NO.
Specifies SSID for running IMS Batch Terminal Simulator in batch IMS (that is, KW=DLI or DBB) with Db2 applications. SSID is your 3- to 4-character Db2 subsystem ID.
Specifies if TSO Disconnect and Reconnect support is activated.
Indicates that TSO Disconnect and Reconnect support is available.
Indicates that TSO Disconnect and Reconnect support is not available. The default value is SYSRQ=NO.
Specifies the unit group name for the work data set when running IMS Batch Terminal Simulator in batch IMS (that is, KW=DLI or DBB) with the Db2 DL/I Batch Support. The default value is UGN=SYSDA.
Start of changeSpecifies the 1- to 8-character userid of the dependent region when an application program issues INQY ENVIRON or ENVIRON2 call. The default is blank. End of change
Specifies a 1- to 8-character userid of the IO PCB. This value is set on the Userid field in IO PCB. The default is blank.
Specifies the Userid Indicator. The default is blank.
LTERM name
PSB name
Names other than the previous three types


Example 1 for ./E command
You can set different values for the maximum number of lines per page for the BTSOUT data set. To set 90 lines per page, specify:
 ./E MAXL=005A     (the value is 2-byte hexadecimal)
 ./E MLINE=90      (the value is decimal)
Example 2 for ./E command
When a PSB is immediately rescheduled in DBB batch execution, the same PCBs are passed to the application program unchanged from the prior execution. To reattach the IMS region controller for each transaction and thereby get a fresh copy of the PSB, specify:
This specification is required in the following cases:
  • When an application program that relies on cleared PCB fields on entry is to be iteratively scheduled.
  • When a COBOL program is invoked (via LINK, XCTL, LOAD, or scheduled by IMS Batch Terminal Simulator) immediately after the same program has been run under control of COBOL interactive debug. (COBOL interactive debug is not invoked if the same program is subsequently invoked again.)
  • When Db2 application programs run consecutively and issue XRST calls. If the ./E REATTCH= option is not specified, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator is terminated with ABEND04E (rc=00D44054) when the second XRST call is issued.
  • When one JOB executes multiple transactions that issue EXEC DLI commands.
Example 3 for ./E command
To run IMS Batch Terminal Simulator in batch IMS (that is, KW=DLI or DBB) with Db2 applications under Db2 DL/I Batch Support, the SSID must be specified. It is your 3- to 4-character Db2 subsystem ID. In addition, the unit group name for the fork data set must be specified to IMS Batch Terminal Simulator. If it is necessary to override the default unit group name SYSDA, specify:
 ./E SSID=ssid UGN=unit-group-name
Example 4 for ./E command
When TSO Disconnect and Reconnect support is active, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator does nothing when PA2 is entered. In this case, to define the PA2 function (NEXTMSG) for the FSS session in PFK, specify:
Example 5 for ./E command
To set USERID01 in the I/O PCB USERID field, specify:
Example 6 for ./E command
To set L in the I/O PCB USERID Indicator field, specify:
Example 7 for ./E command
To set RACFGPNM in the I/O PCB RACF GROUP NAME field, specify:
Example 8 for ./E command
To set the date in the I/O PCB, specify:
 ./E IODATE=0099365F
 ./E IOUDATE=1999365F
Example 9 for ./E command
To set the time in the I/O PCB, specify:
 ./E IOTIME=1545090F
 ./E IOUTIME=12450902040136C
Example 10 for ./E command
Start of changeTo set UIDREG01 in the I/O area of INQY ENVIRON or ENVIRON2 call, specify:
End of change
1 Katakana is a character set of symbols; it is one of the two common Japanese phonetic alphabets.