IMS Index Builder components

IMS Index Builder is composed of the driver and the common services group. The driver is invoked by the job-step executable, which initiates the IMS Index Builder master address space (MAS), analyzes the input, processes the database control tables, and attaches common services. When the driver receives the messages that indicate the processes are complete, it terminates.

The common services group includes:
The planner service builds the table for the process and passes it to the creator.
The creator service scans the build plan table and creates or attaches processing tasks, which are typically scans and sorts.
Sort driver
The sort driver coordinates subordinate address space (SAS) scans and sorts.
The messages service processes informational messages from the components and builds the report.
Activity monitor
The activity monitor service monitors the build plan table and stops IMS Index Builder if no activity is indicated.
Index mergers
The index mergers service attaches a merger for every index if a striped sort is planned.
Index loaders
The index loaders service attaches a loader to every index and loads the index.
The initializer service processes index initializations.
Capture merger
The capture merger service merges the WTO capture files from the subordinate address space and master address space.
DBRC processor
The DBRC processor service writes DBRC commands to the DBRC input data set that is to be processed when IMS Index Builder stops.
The registrar service registers the indexes through the IMS region during the build process.