Passing character types between languages

One difficult aspect of interlanguage calls is passing character strings between languages. The difficulty is due to the following underlying differences in the way that different languages represent such entities:
If you are writing both parts of the mixed-language program, you can make the C routines deal with the extra Fortran length argument, or you can suppress this extra argument by passing the string using the %REF function. If you use %REF, which you typically would for pre-existing C routines, you need to indicate where the string ends by concatenating a null character to the end of each character string that is passed to a C routine:
! Initialize a character string to pass to C.
               character*6 message1 /'Hello\0'/
! Initialize a character string as usual, and append the null later.
               character*5 message2 /'world'/

! Pass both strings to a C function that takes 2 (char *) arguments.
               call cfunc(%ref(message1), %ref(message2 // '\0'))

For compatibility with C language usage, you can encode the following escape sequences in XL Fortran character strings:

Table 1. Escape sequences for character strings
Escape Meaning
\b Backspace
\f Form feed
\n New-line
\r Carriage return
\t Tab
\0 Null
\' Apostrophe (does not terminate a string)
\" Double quotation mark (does not terminate a string)
\ \ Backslash
\x x, where x is any other character (the backslash is ignored)

If you do not want the backslash interpreted as an escape character within strings, you can compile with the -qnoescape option.