
A pluglet source file is no different from any other Java™ source file. Pluglet writers can specify what Eclipse plugins their pluglets require, and this controls the pluglet classpath, both at compile and at runtime.

The pluglet samples that are included with the product provide simple examples of pluglets that highlight a specific utility or API.

When you create a new pluglet by using the New Pluglet wizard, the following pluglets are available:
Data Pluglet
This template includes ToDo markers and implements the DataPluglet interface, which allows pluglets to be placed into the correct pluglet category. This template also enables the pluglet for the appropriate selected objects.
Represents the basic template for pluglets. You have to add the pluglet elements, depending on what you want the pluglet to do.

You can create pluglets to handle routine tasks, and the pluglet functionality offers you an easy way to explore and learn the API offered by the workbench platform and other product extensions. From a workbench perspective, you can write the statement Platform.getWorkbench() and gain complete access to the entire workbench and its parts. From a modeling perspective, the UMLModeler class allows you access to a model and its contents.

To better understand how pluglets work, keep the following tips in mind:
