IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments, Version 7.2

Remote Farm Monitoring Setup

Configuration for remote farm monitoring.

About this task

The following configuration is required for remote farm monitoring.


  1. Enable Windows PowerShell remoting on the XenApp servers that are to be monitored. From Windows PowerShell, with Administrative privileges run:
  2. Configure a domain user in the agent configuration panel.
  3. Add the domain user from the previous step to Windows local Administrator's group on the XenApp servers that are to be monitored.
  4. Add the domain user to the Citrix Administrator's group with View-Only or Full permission.
    Note: In a Citrix XenApp 6.5 environment, you must add this user as a XenApp Administrator with Full permissions only.
  5. On XenApp 6.0, Install the Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK.
    Note: The Citrix XenApp PowerShell SDK is already installed by default on XenApp 6.5.
  6. Set the Trusted hosts on the server with the agent. From Windows PowerShell, with Administrative privileges run:
    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts xenapp servers -force -concatenate
    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts * -force -concatenate

    In the first example command xenapp servers is the list of XenApp server host names that you want to connect to. In the second example command, you use * instead to allow remote connections to all hosts in your domain.
