
Display_Info_DBType_R8 instructs the IBM® Cognos® TM1® server to store DISPLAY_INFO column data as DBTYPE_R8.

Parameter type: optional, static

Please contact customer support to determine if this parameter is applicable to your Cognos TM1 system.

By default, Cognos TM1 stores the DISPLAY_INFO as DBTYPE_UI4. When the Cognos TM1 OLE DB provider processes a request from ADO 2.7 for the DISPLAY_INFO column data, the provider has to convert Cognos TM1 column data from DBTYPE_UI4 to a DBTYPE_R8. The Cognos TM1 OLE DB provider then returns the converted column data to the OLE DB client (ADO in this case).

ADO 2.7 expects IRowset::GetData to return an integer, and uses only the first 4 bytes of the converted column data. However, the returned data is an 8-byte real number, and as a result, all information in the last 4 bytes is lost. This causes ADO 2.7 to return zeroes for all the items of the DISPLAY_INFO column.

When you include the Display_Info_DBType_R8 parameter in the Tm1s.cfg file and set the parameter to T, the Cognos TM1 server stores DISPLAY_INFO column data as DBTYPE_R8 with the relevant 4 bytes of information in the first 4 bytes. The Display_Info_DBType_R8 parameter ensures that the information is not lost when ADO converts the data back to an integer of 4 bytes. The parameter also ensures that ADO 2.7 returns the correct values for the properties of an axis rowset member. Additionally, the parameter ensures that any OLE DB client (such as ADO 2.6) requesting the DISPLAY_INFO property as a 4 byte value, gets the correct values.