Configuring the Cognos TM1 Web Login Page using AdminHostName and TM1ServerName parameters

The AdminHostName and TM1ServerName parameters control whether or not the IBM® Cognos® TM1® Web login page prompts the user to enter values for the TM1 Admin Host and TM1 server.

If you set a value for either of these parameters in the tm1web_config.xml file, then the login process uses the specified value and does not prompt the user for this information.

AdminHostName Parameter

This parameter specifies the name of the Admin Host on which a TM1 Admin Server is running. Edit the AdminHostName parameter in the tm1web_config.xml file using the following format:

<add key="AdminHostName" value="HostName"/>

where HostName can be one of the following values:

TM1ServerName Parameter

This parameter sets the name of the TM1 server. Edit the TM1ServerName parameter in the tm1web_config.xml file using the following format:

<add key="TM1ServerName" value="ServerName"/>

where ServerName can be one of the following values:

After the user enters a valid User Name and Password, IBM Cognos TM1 Web will login to the TM1 server specified by the TM1ServerName parameter in the tm1web_config.xml file.

For example, the TM1ServerName parameter could be set to planning sample, as shown in the following code.

<add key="TM1ServerName" value="planning sample" />