Upgrading older URL API projects to the new Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.2 URL API

Use this information to upgrade your custom web pages that used the .NET-based Cognos® TM1® Web URL API to the new Java-based Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.2 URL API.

As of IBM® Cognos TM1 version 10.2.0, Cognos TM1 Web runs on a Java™-based web application server such as Apache Tomcat. Cognos TM1 Web version 10.2.0 does not require or use the Microsoft .NET Framework. Because of these changes, the URL API syntax and features are updated.

Changes in the Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.0 environment

Some of the main changes to Cognos TM1 Web are summarized in the following list. For more information about installation, configuration, and architecture, see the IBM Cognos TM1 10.2.0 Installation and Configuration Guide. Review the section "What's new for Cognos TM1 installation and configuration in version 10.2.0" > "Cognos TM1 Web now uses a Java-based web application server".

New default installation directory for TM1 Web
As of version 10.2.0, the default installation directory for Cognos TM1 Web is here:


New default URL for starting TM1 Web
Use the following new, default URL to open Cognos TM1 Web version 10.2.0:


New TM1 Web configuration file and parameters
Cognos TM1 Web version 10.2.0 uses a new configuration file named tm1web_config.xml. This file replaces the web.config file from previous Cognos TM1 Web versions.

The new configuration file is location here:


Changes in the Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.2 URL API

The Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.2 URL API includes the following changes and updates:
  • The Cognos TM1 Web Navigation tree object is not supported in the 10.2.2 URL API.
  • The 10.2.2 URL API does not use the ObjectId parameter to track and apply actions on existing objects in your web page. Instead, the new URL API maintains the current state of the object internally for improved cross-domain usage. You can now apply additional actions on a TM1 Web object by using the iframe where the object is displayed.
  • Parameters are now separated from the base URL with the hash tag symbol (#) instead of the question mark (?).

    For example: http://localhost:9510/tm1web/UrlApi.jsp#Parameters

  • The OpenObject parameter is renamed to Open.
  • Parameter values of Yes and No are replaced with True and False. Values of 0 and 1 still work.
  • The behavior of the Action=Save parameter in 10.2.2 is different and applies only to the CubeViewer object. This action saves only the layout of the view, and does not save changes to the data. Use the Recalc action to save data in a CubeViewer object.
  • The HideTitlebar parameter is renamed to HideDimensionBar.
  • The HideTabs parameter is no longer used.
  • The ChartType parameter now uses string values instead of numeric values.

Required code changes for updating to the 10.2.2 URL API

To upgrade projects to the new URL API, review and apply the following code changes.

Change the base URL
Change your existing base URLs to use the new format for Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.2.
  • Replace this URL: http://HostName/TM1Web/TM1WebMain.aspx
  • With this URL: http://HostName:9510/tm1web/UrlApi.jsp
The UrlApi.jsp file replaces the TM1WebMain.aspx handler file.
Update the URL parameters
Review the list of changes in the Cognos TM1 Web 10.2.2 URL API.
For example, parameters are now separated from the base URL with the hash tag symbol (#) and some parameters are renamed.
Update the login process
The 10.2.2 URL uses a new session token login approach for uniquely identifying login sessions. A new form-based login is also available.
Replace the ObjectId parameter
Update your code anywhere you used the ObjectId parameter to track objects that you opened.
Instead, the new URL API maintains the current state of the object internally for improved cross-domain usage. Use this feature to apply more actions on a TM1 Web object by updating the src property of the iframe whenever you want to update an object.