Callout properties for thread management

SOAP Gateway provides several properties for configuring and managing the threads.

Table 1. Callout properties
Property Description
Thread poll interval The time interval in milliseconds that the SOAP Gateway callout thread waits before polling for messages on a particular tpipe. The time interval value must be greater than -1.

The poll interval applies only when an error occurs.

The default is 3000.

Stop on thread error Set this property to true if you want the SOAP Gateway to terminate a callout thread when an error is encountered while it is retrieving or processing a callout message on that thread. Set this property to false if you want the processing to continue even if there is an error.

The default is false.

Number of worker threads in pool The number of live worker threads in the thread pool. Each of these worker threads executes a job and then returns to the pool for reuse by the SOAP Gateway runtime engine. The maximum number of worker threads is 32.

The default is 5.

Queue throttle length The number of maximum in-flight messages in the queue that are allowed at run time.

The default is 64.

Check worker health interval The time interval in milliseconds that the daemon thread wakes up to monitor the execution time of the worker thread.

The default is 600000, which is 10 minutes.

Thread pool cache capacity The number of messages to be logged in the cache for debugging purposes. Each message is 9 lines.

The default is 2000.

Thread pool cache directory Set the directory (the full path) for the thread pool log cache dump.