WAS HPEL gatherer properties

The WAS HPEL gatherer properties specify that WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS® log data is retrieved from a local High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) repository.

The WAS HPEL gatherer properties have the following key-value pairs.

Each key is listed with its value description, its value type, an indication of whether its value is required, and its default value.

Tip: Data sources that the z/OS Log Forwarder creates for the WAS_HPEL type of log data use the source type WASforzOS-HPEL. Therefore, you do not specify a value for logGatherers.id.sourceType even if a value is provided for logGatherers.id.dataSourceName.
To associate the data source with a collection, you can specify a collection name. However, a collection name is valid only if you specify a value for logGatherers.id.dataSourceName.

If you specify a collection name, it must be the name of a collection that is defined in IBM SmartCloud® Analytics - Log Analysis.

If you do not specify a collection name, the data source is placed in a default collection that is determined by IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Log Analysis.

Value type
Required value?
Default value
The name that is assigned to the data source in IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Log Analysis, if the z/OS Log Forwarder creates the data source.
The z/OS Log Forwarder creates the data source if both of the following conditions are true:
  • A value is specified for logGatherers.id.dataSourceName.
  • At initialization time for the z/OS Log Forwarder, the data source does not exist.
Value type
Required value?
Default value
The HPEL log directory for a specific application server, if this log gatherer should gather log data for this server. The subdirectory logdata must exist in this directory and must contain the HPEL log files.

If only trace data is gathered by this log gatherer, do not specify a value for logGatherers.id.logDirectory.

Value type
Required value?
If no value is specified for logGatherers.id.traceDirectory, a value is required for logGatherers.id.logDirectory. Otherwise, a value is not required for logGatherers.id.logDirectory.
Default value
A virtual or physical path that represents the HPEL log data. This path must match the file path value of the data source that is configured in IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Log Analysis. The path must also be unique within a z/OS Log Forwarder instance.

Typically, this path must be specified only if the log and trace data for the server is gathered separately. Because the HPEL log directory and HPEL trace directory are typically the same directory, one of the log gatherers must specify a virtual path to ensure that logGatherers.id.logPath is always unique.

Value type
Required value?
Default value
The value of logGatherers.id.logDirectory, if the log directory value is specified. Otherwise, the value of logGatherers.id.traceDirectory.
The HPEL trace directory for a specific application server, if this log gatherer should gather trace data for this server. The subdirectory tracedata must exist in this directory and must contain the HPEL trace files.

If only log data is gathered by this log gatherer, do not specify a value for logGatherers.id.traceDirectory.

Value type
Required value?
If no value is specified for logGatherers.id.logDirectory, a value is required for logGatherers.id.traceDirectory. Otherwise, a value is not required for logGatherers.id.traceDirectory.
Default value
The type of the log gatherer.

For the WAS HPEL gatherer, the value must be WAS_HPEL.

Value type
Required value?
Default value