Creating a web services template

Using the WebSphere® Application Server administrative console, you can create a web services template.

Before you begin

Before you begin this task, you must log in to the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

About this task

To enable Monitor action services to call a web service, the web service must be implemented to a specific interface, which requires that a single string be passed as input.

If the same web service is deployed both locally and remotely, the WebSphere Application Server uses the local version by default, regardless of changes made to the Target namespace and End point address fields.

Tip: See the Related information link for an example of setting up a web service that implements the interface.


To create a web services template definition, complete the following steps.

  1. From the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, click Applications > Monitor Services > Monitor Action Services > Template Definitions > Web Services.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Template name field, type a unique template name.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, type the template description.
  5. In the Target namespace field, type the target name space attribute of the definitions element.
  6. In the Service name field, type the service name attribute of the service element.
  7. In the End point address field, type the location attribute of the service, port, or address element.
  8. In the Port type field, type the name attribute of the port type element.
  9. In the Operation name field, type the operation name attribute of the port type or operation element.
  10. In the Input message name field, type the name attribute of the port type, operation, or input element.
  11. Click Apply or OK to save the entered settings.
    Note: You must save the current values by clicking Apply or OK before you can change the panes or panels. Otherwise, the changes are not saved.