Defining project dependencies

Dependency configurations are used to trigger builds in related projects.

Before you create a build configuration, create the build process to which you want to attach it, see Managing build processes.
Projects often require outside libraries or files. The dependent project can use artifacts that child projects produce. Dependency configurations can also trigger related builds. A dependency can determine whether its dependencies must be built before it can build or whether the dependencies can trigger builds that depend on this build.
  1. From the IBM® UrbanCode™ Build dashboard, click Projects, and then use the expand icon that is associated with a project to display the project's build processes.
  2. Select a build process.
  3. Define dependencies for the build process by completing these steps:
    1. Click Dependencies.
    2. Select an option from the Conflict Strategy list.
      This option determines what happens when a dependency conflict occurs. Fail means do not continue until conflicts are resolved. Favor Old means that the oldest build's artifacts are used. Favor New means that the newest build's artifacts are used. Fail is the default option.
    3. Select Trigger Only Dependencies if you want dependencies to trigger only builds.
      If cleared, dependencies trigger builds and set additional dependencies. Select this option when dependencies are determined by external dependency management tools, but you want to use dependencies as triggers. The default option is cleared.
  4. Click Save.