Search Collection Settings for Converting

These options are in the Converting sub-section of the Global Settings for a search collection.

Note: Rich preview of the specified document types is available only for matching documents that have been crawled since those document types were specified.

The text/plain MIME type is not handled through rich preview, but text/plain preview is supported. Text preview is generated from text cache, not rich cache.

Watson Explorer Application Builder supports rich preview for PDF and RTF files, and generally supports rich preview of Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel documents. However, many MIME types are associated with these documents. If a rich preview is not available as you expect, ensure that you listed the correct MIME type for your document. If you add a MIME type, you must recrawl the collection to save the rich cache content. You can use the following list as a starting point to enable rich preview of supported documents:
In addition to supporting rich preview for some documents, Application Builder also supports rich preview of email, and email attachments that are supported document types. To see rich previews of email and email attachments, add the following content type to the Rich cache content types field in addition to the other content types that are necessary for rich preview of supported documents:

For email message bodies that are not text/plain content types, Application Builder uses the text/html content type to provide rich previews. Email that contains attachments goes through additional conversion to provide rich previews for each attachment.

Before email can be crawled, indexed, and previewed, it must meet the following requirements: