Server templates collection

Use this page to view the list of server templates that exist on your system.

To view the application server templates that are available for creating a new application server, in the administrative console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > Templates. A list of the application server templates that are defined for you system displays.

To view the web server templates that are available for creating a new web server, in the administrative console, click Servers > Server Types > Web servers > Templates. A list of the web server templates that are defined for you system displays.

To change the server attributes of an existing template, click the name of that template in the list, and then update the attributes for that template. If you modify a template, all new cluster members are created with the server property settings of the modified template. However, the property settings of existing cluster members do not change. If you make any change to a cluster member template, you should make the same change to all of the existing cluster members.

To delete an existing template, select that template, and then click Delete.


Specifies the name of the server template.


Specifies the operating system platform to which this template applies.


Specifies the version of the product to which the template applies.