JobManagerUpkeep command group for the AdminTask object using wsadmin scripting (deprecated)

You can use the Jython scripting language to manage job manager settings with the wsadmin tool. Use the commands and parameters in the JobManagerUpkeep group to back up the job manager database.

[ or later]Deprecated feature: The job manager is deprecated. Instead of job manager, use Urban Code Deploy to install the product, to deploy applications, and to manage remote hosts. To manage WebSphere® Application Server installations, you also can use swinging profiles. See Swinging profiles between product installations.
Use the following commands to back up your job manager database configuration:


The backupJobManager command backs up the job manager database to a specific system location.

Target object


Optional parameters

Specifies the location to which the system saves the backup file. If you do not specify a location, the command saves the job manager backup file to the job manager profile root directory and sets the name of the backup file in the following format: JobManager_Backup_20080506T053237-828, where 20080506T053237-828 is a timestamp notation. (String)
Specifies whether to overwrite the backup file if it exists in the location of interest. The default value is false. (Boolean)

Return value

The command returns the fully qualified file path of the backup file.

Batch mode example usage

  • Using Jython string:
    AdminTask.backupJobManager('-location /JobManager/backupConfig -force true')
  • Using Jython list:
    AdminTask.backupJobManager(['-location', '/JobManager/backupConfig', '-force', 'true'])

Interactive mode example usage

  • Using Jython: