Directory conventions

References in product information to app_server_root, profile_root, and other directories imply specific default directory locations. Become familiar with the conventions in use for WebSphere® Application Server.


Default product locations - z/OS

Refers to the highest directory for a WebSphere Application Server node.

The node may be of any type—application server, deployment manager, or unmanaged for example. Each node has its own app_server_root. Corresponding product variables are was.install.root and WAS_HOME.

The default varies based on node type. Common defaults are configuration_root/AppServer and configuration_root/DeploymentManager.

Refers to the mount point for the configuration file system (formerly, the configuration HFS) in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS®.

The configuration_root contains the various app_server_root directories and certain symbolic links associated with them. Each different node type under the configuration_root requires its own cataloged procedures under z/OS.

The default is /wasv8config/cell_name/node_name.

Refers to the installation root directory for Web Server Plug-ins.
Refers to the home directory for a particular instantiated WebSphere Application Server profile.

Corresponding product variables are server.root and user.install.root.

In general, this is the same as app_server_root/profiles/profile_name. On z/OS, this will always be app_server_root/profiles/default because only the profile name "default" is used in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.

Refers to the root directory for product code installed with SMP/E or IBM Installation Manager.

The corresponding product variable is smpe.install.root.

The default is /usr/lpp/zWebSphere/V8R5.