[IBM i]

WASPreUpgrade command

The WASPreUpgrade command for WebSphere® Application Server Version 8.5 saves the configuration of a previously installed version of WebSphere Application Server into a migration-specific backup directory.


The command file is located in and must be run from the Version 8.5 app_server_root/bin directory.

[IBM i]


To run this command script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


[IBM i]
WASPreUpgrade backupDirectory 
              [-traceString trace_spec [-traceFile file_name ]]
              [-workspaceRoot profile1=user_workspace_folder_name_1;profile2=user_workspace_folder_name_2]
              [-username < user name >]
              [-password < password >]
              [-javaoption < -Xms...m > -javaoption < -Xmx...m > ]
              [-requireEmbeddedDBMigration true | false]
              [-keepDmgrEnabled true | false]


The command has the following parameters:

This is a required parameter and must be the first parameter that you specify. The value backupDirectory specifies the name of the directory where the command script stores the saved configuration.
Avoid trouble: The WAS_INSTALL and USER_INSTALL root directories are invalid directories for the location of the WebSphere Application Server backup directory.

This is also the directory from which the WASPostUpgrade command reads the configuration.

If the directory does not exist, the WASPreUpgrade command script creates it.

This is a required parameter and must be the second parameter that you specify. This can be any edition of WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 for which migration is supported.
[IBM i]The value currentWebSphereDirectory specifies the name of the instance or profile root directory for the current WebSphere Application Server instance Version 6.1 profile that you want to migrate.
  • In Version 6.1, the profile root may be a unique value chosen during profile creation but the following directories are the defaults:
    • For Version 6.1 Express® or base: /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V61/Base/profiles/profile
    • For Version 6.1 WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment: /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V61/ND/profiles/profile
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace information that you want to collect.

To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (with quotation marks).

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.

This is an optional parameter. The value file_name specifies the name of the output file for trace information.

If you do not specify the -traceString or -traceFile parameter, the command creates a trace file by default and places it in the backupDirectory/logs directory.

This is an optional parameter. The value user_workspace_folder_name_x specifies the location of the administrative console customized "My tasks" settings for one or more profiles.
This is an optional parameter. The value user name specifies the administrative user name of the current WebSphere Application Server installation.
This is a required parameter if the following conditions are true:
  • You are migrating a deployment manager.
  • Administrative or global security is enabled in the source installation.
  • The WebSphere Application Server installation you are migrating from is Version 8.0 or later.
This is an optional parameter. The value password specifies the administrative password of the current WebSphere Application Server installation.
This is a required parameter if the following conditions are true:
  • You are migrating a deployment manager.
  • Administrative or global security is enabled in the source installation.
  • The WebSphere Application Server installation you are migrating from is Version 8.0 or later.
This is an optional parameter. Use this parameter to specify memory sizes for the Java™ heap used by the WASPreUpgrade command.

The value "-Xms...m" is the parameter specified to indicate the starting heap size. Replace the "..." with the size in Megabytes that you intended to use. For example, if the starting heap size is to be 128 MB, specify the parameter as: -javaoption -Xms128m

The value "-Xmx...m" is the parameter specified to indicate the maximum heap size. Replace the "..." with the size in Megabytes that you intend to use. For example, if the maximum heap size is to be 1024 MB, specify the parameter as: -javaoption -Xmx1024m

This is an optional parameter for migrating embedded databases.

If the value is specified as true, any exception that occurs when you migrate the embedded databases causes the WASPreUpgrade command to fail. If the value is specified as false, any exception that occurs when you migrate the embedded databases is logged in the trace file, and the WASPreUpgrade command continues.

The default value is true.

This is an optional parameter used for migrating a Version 8.0 deployment manager profile.

When WASPreUpgrade runs, Version 8.0 deployment manager profiles are stopped. By default, the deployment manager remains stopped. If the value is specified to true, WASPreUpgrade starts the deployment manager before the command finishes running.

The default value is false.


The WASPreUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while it runs. The tool also saves a more extensive set of logging information in the WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log file written to the backupDirectory directory, where backupDirectory is the value specified for the backupDirectory parameter. You can view the WASPreUpgrade.time_stamp.log file with a text editor.

Migrated resources

WASPreUpgrade saves all of your resources, but it does not migrate entities in your classes directory.

Migration saves the following files in the backupDirectory directory.
  • config
  • properties