Deploying the web app on Apache Tomcat

You can deploy the Rational® Publishing Engine web apps (rpeng.war and dgaas.war) on an Apache Tomcat with Derby.

Before you begin

You must install Apache Tomcat V7.0.x or V8.0.x and Rational Publishing Engine with the RPE Remote Services feature before deploying the web app. You must have access to the following web apps available in the RPE_HOME\remote-services directory:
  • rpeng.war
  • dgaas.war


  1. Prepare your Apache Tomcat application server:
    1. Copy the rcl_telelogic.jar file from RPE_HOME\lib directory to the Tomcat lib directory.
    2. Copy the native library files into a directory in the PATH system variable for your operating system:
      1. To determine how to set the PATH system variable, see the documentation for your operating system for more specific information about creating and managing environment variables.
      2. Navigate to one of the following directories depending your bit size of your Java runtime environment (JRE):
        • For 32-bit JRE, go to RPE_HOME\lib directory
        • For 64-bit JRE, go to RPE_HOME\lib\64 directory
      3. Copy the rcl_telelogic.dll and files into a directory in the PATH system variable for your operating system.
    3. On the Tomcat application server, set a system variable called TELELOGIC_LICENSE_FILE. Set this value to port_number@hostname, for example 19353@licserver1. For more details, see Verify the TELELOGIC_LICENSE_FILE environment variable topic.
  2. Start the Apache Tomcat application server:
    This is a Windows operating system icon.
    If you are running Apache Tomcat as a Windows service, to start the server, from the TomcatInstallDir/bin directory, run this command (for Apache Tomcat V7.0.x, substitute with Tomcat7.exe):
    Tomcat8.exe start
    To stop the server, from the TomcatInstallDir/bin directory, run this command (for Apache Tomcat V7.0.x, substitute with Tomcat7.exe):
    Tomcat8.exe stop
    If you are not running Apache Tomcat as a Windows service, to start the server, from the TomcatInstallDir/bin directory, run this command:
    Tip: A separate Apache Tomcat console window opens. Do not close this window or the server will stop working. You need to wait a moment for the Tomcat server to start. After the server is started, the start-up time in millisecond is displayed in the Tomcat window. For example, Server startup in 25731 ms.
    To stop the server, from the TomcatInstallDir/bin directory, run this command:
    This is a Linux operating system icon.
    To start the server, from the TomcatInstallDir/bin, run this command:
    To stop the server, from the TomcatInstallDir/bin directory, run this command:
  3. Select one of the following options to deploy the web app:
    • If you want to deploy the web app using a graphical user interface, continue to the next step for details on deploying using the Apache Tomcat Manager interface.
    • If you want to deploy the web app using the file system, copy the rpeng.war and dgaas.war files from RPE_HOME\remote-services directory to the Tomcat webapps directory, for example Tomcat_InstallDir\webapps. And then continue to the Results and What to do next section of this topic.
  4. Open the Apache Tomcat Manager:
    • If you are running Apache Tomcat as a Windows service, open the Control Panel and, in the Apache Tomcat row, click Admin. Then click Manager App.
    • If you are not running Apache Tomcat as a Windows service, open the Apache Tomcat Manager in a browser in the following format: http://server:port/manager/html
      Example: http://localhost:8080/manager/html
      Tip: A window opens asking for a user name and password to authenticate the Tomcat Manager Application. You must add a manager-gui role to the Tomcat_install_dir/conf/tomcat-user.xml file, where Tomcat_install_dir is the installation directory of the Apache Tomcat. The following example adds a manager-gui role with my_username as the user name and my_password for the password:
      <user username="my_username" password="my_password" roles="manager-gui"/>
  5. Deploy both the rpeng.war and dgaas.war applications on Apache Tomcat.
    1. In the Deploy section, enter the details for the rpeng.war file and then click Deploy:
      • If the .war file is on a different server than Apache Tomcat, enter the following information in the Deploy directory or WAR file located on server section:
        1. Context Path: Enter /rpeng as the name for the Rational Publishing Engine web app. This entry is a part of the URL used for configuring the client.
        2. XML Configuration file URL: You are not required to enter a value in this field.
        3. WAR or Directory URL: The path to rpeng.war. Example: RPE_HOME\remote-services\rpeng.war
      • If the .war file is on the same server as Apache Tomcat, enter the following information in the WAR file to deploy section:
        1. Select WAR to upload: The path to rpeng.war. Example: RPE_HOME\remote-services\rpeng.war
    2. In the Deploy section, enter the details for the dgaas.war file and then click Deploy:
      • If the .war file is on a different server than Apache Tomcat, enter the following information in the Deploy directory or WAR file located on server section:
        1. Context Path: Enter /dgaas as the name for the Rational Publishing Engine web app. This entry is a part of the URL used for configuring the client.
        2. XML Configuration file URL: You are not required to enter a value in this field.
        3. WAR or Directory URL: The path to dgaas.war. Example: RPE_HOME\remote-services\dgaas.war
      • If the .war file is on the same server as Apache Tomcat, enter the following information in the WAR file to deploy section:
        1. Select WAR to upload: The path to dgaas.war. Example: RPE_HOME\remote-services\dgaas.war


The web app is deployed. You can confirm that the web app is deployed by opening the introductory page of the Rational Publishing Engine web app in a browser: http://server:port/rpeng/

By default, the rpeng.war application looks for the dgaas.war application in the same server, under the /dgaas context path. If you deploy the dgaas.war application under a different context path, you must configure the DGAAS_URL runtime environment variable in the rpeng.war application.

To configure the DGAAS_URL runtime environment variable:
  1. You must log on to the web app, http://server:port/rpeng/, with a user that has administrator (rpe_admin) access. For details on how to configure a user with rpe_admin user role, see Configuring users for the web app on Apache Tomcat topic.
  2. In the user toolbar of the web app, select Admininster. This Admininster menu option is available to users with rpe_admin role.
  3. Select Runtime Variables.
  4. Set the value of the DGAAS_URL runtime environment variable to a URL, such as http://server:port/dgaas.

What to do next

Configure the Rational Publishing Engine web app listed on the http://server:port/rpeng/ page. See Web app URLs for an explanation of how each URL is used and tasks for configuring each of the features.
