IBM Endpoint Manager, Version 9.2

Installing the clients

Install the BigFix Client on every computer in your network that you want to administer, including the computer that is running the console. This allows that computer to receive important Fixlet messages such as security patches, configuration files, or upgrades.

If you are running the console, select Install IBM BigFix Components > Install Clients > Install Locally to install the client on your local machine in the directory you specify.

If you run the Client Deploy Tool (BESClientDeploy.exe), you can deploy the clients in three ways:
Find computers using Active Directory
The IBM BigFix Client Deploy tool contacts the Active Directory server to get a list of all of the computers in the domain. It checks each of the computers to see if the client is already installed and displays this information in a list.
Find computers using NT 4.0 Domains
All the computers in the domain are listed with a status flag indicating whether or not the client is installed.
Find computers specified in a list
Based on how your network resolves computer addresses, you must provide a list of computer names, IP address ranges, or host names. The list must have one name / IP address range / hostname per line. Using this option, the Client Deploy Tool does not attempt to discover any computers, but instead attempts to install directly to all the listed computers.
