IBM Endpoint Manager, Version 9.0


Executes the indicated program. If the process can't be created, the action script is terminated. Run does not wait for the process to terminate before executing the next line of the action script. The command line contains the name of the executable and may optionally contain parameters. If you wish to wait for one program to finish before starting another one, use the wait command.


run <command line>


run "{pathname of regapp "wordpad.exe"}"
run "c:\winnt\ftp.exe"
run wscript /e:vbs x.vbs arg1 arg2

These examples show how you might run a script and pass it some arguments. Quotes around the command line are recommended, and necessary if there are spaces in file names.


On a Windows computer, this command has the same effect as calling the CreateProcess API with <command line>. This is also the same as using <command line> in the Windows RUN dialog. See the Windows documentation on CreateProcess for a discussion of the method used to locate the executable from a <command line>.

Version 5.1 and above
