Configuring Data Studio web console alerts

You can configure the alert types to display for each monitored database and the alert thresholds for each alert type. You do not need to configure any alerts to start using Data Studio web console. Monitoring is enabled by default for each database connection, and the product comes with default threshold settings for all alerts.

Before you begin

To edit alerts, you must have the ability to manage alerts on the database. Users with the appropriate grant privileges on the database can use the Manage Privileges page to grant this privilege to a user.


To configure alerts:

  1. In the web console, select Open > Alerts and click Health Alerts Configuration.
  2. Select a database for which to view and edit the configurable alert parameters.
  3. Enable or disable database health monitoring for the database. To display alert information for the database in the Health Summary and Alert List, database health monitoring must be enabled. Enable health monitoring by selecting the Monitor database health check box.
    Note: When you add a database connection, health monitoring is turned on by default. Disable health monitoring by clearing the Monitor database health check box.
  4. Set the refresh rate for the database. The refresh rate controls how often the database is checked for conditions that might trigger alerts.
  5. Configure alerts for the database.
    1. Select an alert type and click Edit.
    2. If prompted, sign in with a database user ID that has permission to manage alerts on the database.
    3. Enable or disable the alert for the database, and configure the critical and warning thresholds for the alert type.


The health status of the monitored databases is displayed in the Health Summary and Alert List.
