IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions, Version

Configuring Response Time from the command line (UNIX and Linux) with agent configuration parameters

Response Time monitoring agents can also be configured from the command line on UNIX and Linux systems.


  1. Run the following command from install_dir/bin:
    ./itmcmd config -A agent

    install_dir is the installation location for the monitoring agent.

    agent specifies the product code of the monitoring agent that you want to install:

  2. Press Enter.
  3. Edit the various configuration settings. See the appropriate parameter section.
  4. Press Enter when you are asked if the agent connects to a monitoring server.
  5. Type the host name for the monitoring server.
  6. Type the protocol that you want to use to communicate with the monitoring server. You have four choices: ip, sna, ip.spipe, or ip.pipe. Press Enter to accept the default protocol (IP.PIPE).
  7. (Optional) Complete one of the following steps:
    • To set up a backup protocol, enter that protocol and press Enter.
    • If you do not want to use backup protocol, press Enter without specifying a protocol.
  8. Depending on the type of protocol you specified, provide the information you collected in Information to collect before you begin installation and configuration.
  9. Press Enter if you do not want to specify the name of the KDC_PARTITION.
  10. Press Enter when you are asked if you want to configure the connection to a secondary monitoring server. The default value is No.
  11. Press Enter to accept the default for the Optional Primary Network Name (none).

Application Management Console parameters

Table 1. Application Management Console parameters
Parameter Parameter for silent installation and remote deployment Specify
Data Collection Configuration
Data Collection Time Span (in Hours) KT3HRSDISP The maximum number of hours for reporting (default: 8)
Data Collection Frequency (in minutes) KT3SUMMINT The number of minutes for the interval (default: 5)
JMX SOAP Connector Server Configuration
Port KT3SCPORT JMX SOAP connector server port (default: 1976)
SSL KT3SCSSL Specifies whether SSL authentication is required. (default: True)
SSL Keyfile KT3SCSSLKEYFILE SSL certificate keyfile
SSL Keyfile Password KT3SCSSLKEYPASS Password to the SSL keyfile
SSL Client Authentication KT3SCSSLCLIENTAUTH Whether SSL client authentication is required (default: True)

Robotic Response Time parameters

Table 2. Robotic Response Time parameters
Parameter Parameter for silent installation and remote deployment Specify
Robotic Monitoring Configuration
Playback timeout period (seconds) TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait before the playback times out (default: 120)
Number of retries to attempt NUMRET The number of retries to attempt on timeout or availability failure (default: 1)
Lag time between retries (seconds) RETLAG A number of seconds to wait between retry attempts (default: 3)
Concurrent CLI playbacks CONCUR Whether CLI monitors play back concurrently (default: True)
Abort playback on availability violation ABRTVIOL Whether playback abort when an availability violation occurs (default: True)
Maximum number of concurrent robotic playbacks KT6NUMCONCPLAYBACK The maximum number of robotic scripts to play back concurrently (default: 10)
Script location preference KT6SCRIPTLOCPREF Whether to use a remotely uploaded script or a manually distributed local script when the same script exists both remotely and locally (default: Remote)
Script Depot Synchronization Interval (minutes) KT6SCRIPTDOWNLOADINTERVAL Specifies how often to synchronize between the local and remote script depot, checking for new and updated remote scripts to download (default: 30)
Maximum playback event buffer size KT6MAXEVENTBUFFER Specifies the maximum buffer size for storing playback events (default: 1000)
Windows Logon User Name KT6ROBOTAUTOLOGINUSER Specify the Windows user name for automatic login when the system is rebooted (no default)
Windows Logon Password Confirm Windows Logon Password KT6ROBOTAUTOLOGINPASSWORD Specify the Windows Password for automatic login when the system is rebooted (no default)
Enable Screen and Content Capture during Playback
Specify whether the screen and content capture should be enabled during playback (default: False)
Rational Performance Tester Configuration
Unsecure Playback Proxy Hostname KT6PLAYBACKUNSECURE PROXYHOSTNAME Specify the host name of the unsecure proxy to allow the Rational Performance Tester scripts to play back (no default)
Unsecure Playback Proxy Port
Specify the port to use for the unsecure proxy to allow the Rational Performance Tester scripts to play back (default: 0)
Secure Playback Proxy Hostname
Specify the host name of the secure proxy to allow the Rational Performance Tester scripts to play back (no default)
Secure Playback Proxy Port
Specify the port to use for the secure proxy to allow the Rational Performance Tester scripts to play back (default: 0)
Mercury LoadRunner Configuration
LoadRunner Command Home KT6LRCMDHOME The home directory of the LoadRunner command (no default)
LoadRunner command KT6LRCMD Executable LoadRunner command. (default: bin/mdrv.exe on Windows.
LoadRunner command arguments KT6LRARG0 Command arguments that are used to run LoadRunner (default:
-usr ${SANDBOX}${FILE_
${SANDBOX} -drv_log_file 
${SANDBOX} -no_drv_log
Rational Functional Tester Configuration
Application Configuration Preference KT6APPCONFIGPREF Specify whether to use the Application configuration file that is exported with the script or the local file in Rational Functional Tester installed on the agent computer. (default: Exported)
Abort Script On Timeout KT6RFTABRTONTIMEOUT Specify whether the Rational Functional Tester process should be aborted when playback times out (default: True)
Terminate RFT Process and Reboot Machine When Not Responding
Specify whether the Rational Functional Tester process should be terminated and the computer rebooted, when not responding (default: False)
Data Analysis Configuration tab
Number of minutes to aggregate data before writing out a data point KT6OVERTIMEINTERVAL The time period during which the data is aggregated (default: 5)
Number of hours to save data for viewing in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal KT6SUMMARYINTERVAL The time period during which all data points are saved locally (default: 8)
Maximum number of processing threads KT6MAXTHREADS Maximum number of threads that are allowed for processing data files. (default: 40)

Web Response Time parameters

Table 3. Web Response Time parameters
Parameter Parameter for silent installation and remote deployment Specify
Basic Configuration panel
Monitor All TCP Traffic KT5MONITORTCP Whether all TCP traffic should be monitored
Monitor HTTP transactions KT5MONITORHTTP Whether HTTP transactions should be monitored
HTTP Ports to Monitor KT5HTTPPORTS If HTTP Transactions are monitored, specify HTTP ports (enter as comma-separated list with no blanks, such as 80,81,82) monitored by Web Response Time (default: 80)
Monitor HTTPS transactions KT5MONITORHTTPSAPP Whether HTTPS transactions should be monitored
HTTPS keystore KT5KEYSTORE If HTTPS transactions are monitored, this keystore specifies the certificates of the remote HTTPS websites that are monitored (for example, /tmp/keys.kdb)
Certificate to Server Mapping table KT5SERVERMAP If HTTPS transactions are monitored, this table maps HTTPS servers to the appropriate certificates (for example, cert1,server ip,server port; cert2,server2 ip;server2 port)
HTTP Server Version KT5IHSVER Monitored HTTP Server version (default: 6.X).
HTTP Server Home KT5IHSHOME Home directory of the monitored HTTP Server
HTTPS Ports to Monitor KT5HTTPSPORTS HTTPS ports (comma-separated list, no blanks) monitored by Web Response Time (default: 443)
Advanced Configuration panel
IP address of the NIC to be monitored KT5MONITORIP The NIC card that has the selected IP address to be monitored.
Exclude the following network masks KT5EXCLUDEMASKS A comma delimited list (without spaces) of network masks that will be excluded from monitoring (for example, 10.0.0.*,192.168.*)
Monitor remote network traffic KT5REMOTE Whether all network traffic on the NIC is monitored. (default: No)
Server masks for TCP data KT5SERVERMASKS TCP data from an IP address in these masks is marked as coming from a server, and not a client group. Specify a comma delimited list (without spaces), for example, 10.0.0.*,192.168.*.
Data Analysis panel
Number of minutes to aggregate data before writing out a data point KT5OVERTIMEINTERVAL Data is aggregated for this number of minutes and then an aggregate record is saved and a new data point is created. (default: 5)
Number of hours to save data for viewing in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal KT5SUMMARYINTERVAL All Data points are saved locally for this number of hours for viewing in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (default: 8)
Collect subtransactions for objects embedded in web pages KT5COLLECTSUBTX Specifies whether subtransactions are collected for embedded objects (default: No).
Collect actual client IP address from HTTP Header KT5COLLWEBSEALCLIENTIP Specifies the header that you want to contain incoming client IP addresses. If you do not specify a header and are using a load balancer for example, all packets processed by Web Response Time have the IP address of the load balancer. (default: None)
Maximum kilobytes to capture per HTTP transaction KT5DATALIMIT Specifies the maximum number of kilobytes captured in each HTTP request/reply (default: 32)
Report Zero Records for Applications KT5ZEROAPPRECORDS After a Record is created, continue to report on it during the Zero Record interval (default: No)
Report Zero Records for Clients KT5ZEROCLIENTRECORDS After a Record is created, continue to report on it during the Zero Record interval (default: No)
Report Zero Records for Servers KT5ZEROSERVERRECORDS After a Record is created, continue to report on it during the Zero Record interval (default: No)
Report Zero Records for Transactions KT5ZEROTRANRECORDS After a Record is created, continue to report on it during the Zero Record interval (default: No)
Zero Record Interval KT5ZERORECORDINTERVAL Interval (minutes) to continue to report on zero records (default: 480)
Exclude transactions with response times greater than # seconds KT5EXCLUDEOUTLIERSECONDS Exclude transactions that exceed a configurable value. By default the value for this option is -1, which includes all response times. Enter a positive numeric value in seconds so that transactions that exceed this threshold value are excluded.
Enable Transaction Tracking Integration KT5ENABLETRACKING Causes the WRT Agent to send its data to the Transaction Collector Agent by generating TTAPI events for transaction tracking integration.
Transaction Tracking Thread Count KT5TRACKINGTHREADS The number of threads to use for Transaction Tracking Processing. (Default: 5)
Transaction Collector connection string KT5TRANSACTIONCOLLECTOR The connection string that is used to connect to a local or remote Transaction Collector.
Cookie names to ignore for tracking KT5TRACKINGCOOKIES Cookie names to remove from the cookie header before using the header for transaction tracking
HTTP (App) Servers to stitch to when tracking KT5STITCHEVENTFILTER

A comma-separated list of HTTP application servers to stitch to and for which you want to generate stitching data in Transaction Tracking API events.

Specify the servers with the format IPAddress:TCPPort. You may use wildcards. Leaving the field empty is equivalent to a *:* entry.

Last updated: September 2014