IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions, Version

Internet Service Monitoring profile elements

Profile elements define the tests performed on an Internet service. Every profile element is associated with a particular monitor, such as HTTP, and contains a set of parameters that define how the service is tested.

Profile elements contain mandatory parameters and optional parameters. Mandatory parameters are the parameters that define what is to be monitored and a description. For example, for the HTTP monitor these parameters are server and page where server defines the name of the web server and page defines the URL of the web page that you want to monitor. The description parameter identifies the element. The default description is monitor server element. For example, HTTP element. If you have more than one profile element for the same monitor and that uses the same server, you can use the element part of the description to further identify the element.

Optional parameters define how you want to monitor the service. For example, how often to retest a service before a failed service is recorded, how to monitor service levels, and how to search for information in test results. You can use up to 50 regular expressions to assist with searching. For example, the expression r.t matches strings rat, r t but not root.

Last updated: September 2014