The kto_stitching file

The kto_stitching.xml file defines how horizontal and vertical stitching occurs for events. It consists of definitions for Stitch Pairs.

See the following example of a CICS® region and a Websphere MQ application communicating with each other. A monitor in CICS and a monitor in Websphere MQ both send Transactions events.

Diagram showing events flowing between two applications - CICS and WebSphere MQ

For Transactions to be able to stitch the CICS and Websphere MQ events together, it must know which Stitching name/value pairs must be matched. For example, CICS and WebSphere® MQ may send a ServerName stitching name/value pair. The Stitch Pair entry in kto_stitching.xml tells the Transaction Collector that a CICS event (type 8) ServerName field must match a Websphere MQ event (type 5) ServerName field for two events to be eligible for stitching. The kto_stitching.xml file resides in the Transaction Collector directory.


kto_stitching.xml is an XML file with the following format:

TTEMA Stitching
 	Stitch Criteria
 	Stitch Priorities

TTEMA Stitching defines the beginning of Transactions stitching definitions. It has no fields.

Stitch Criteria defines the beginning of a list of Stitch Pairs. It has no fields.

StitchPair defines global parameters for the Stitch Pair entry. It has the following fields:
  • Name – name of the Stitch Pair – can be any string.
  • horizontaltrue if this pattern is for matching horizontal stitches. Default: false.
  • verticaltrue if this pattern is for matching vertical stitches. Default: false.
  • reflectivetrue if this pattern is to be applied for messages sent both ways. If false, then this Stitch Pair will only apply to events sent from the first caller to the second caller. Default: false.
StitchNameList defines the beginning of a list of stitching pairs to be matched. It has the following fields:
  • caller – caller type for the following pairs. Must be a valid link type, that is, a number between 0 and 255. See the Building and Event section for a list of link types.
StitchName defines a pair to be matched. It has the following fields:
  • name – the name of a stitching name/value pair. Remember that this is case sensitive.


The following is an example of a kto_stitching.xml file:

Example of kto.stitching.xml file.

This example file defines how MQ Tracking and CICS Tracking events will be stitched. In this example, all the fields in Table 1 must match fully for a stitch to occur.

Table 1. Field matching
MQ Tracking CICS Tracking
ServerName ServerName
QMgrName qmgr
ObjName rslvdQueue
MsgId msgId
CorrelId corrId
PutDate putdate
PutTime puttime

Event flows in both directions (MQ to CICS and CICS to MQ) are covered by this rule.