Working remotely

IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides you with the ability to deploy resource monitoring across your environment from a central location, the monitoring server. You can use the remote deployment feature to deploy and configure monitoring agents, to deploy maintenance and upgrades to agents, and to start and stop agents.

Note: For complete information about remote deployment, see chapter Deploying monitoring agents across your environment in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Table 1 describes the steps required to set up and manage remote agent deployment:
Table 1. Remote agent deployment tasks
Goal Where to find information
Create and populate the agent deploy depot with installable agent images Populating the agent depot
Manage the agent depot Managing your agent depot
Use one agent depot for all the monitoring servers in your monitoring environment. Sharing an agent depot across your environment
Deploy OS agents Deploying OS agents
Deploy non-OS agents Deploying non-OS agents
Upgrade non-OS agents remotely Upgrading non-OS agents remotely
Remove non-OS agents remotely Removing non-OS agents remotely
Note: After you have deployed an agent, you can reconfigure it. Right-click on the agent in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and select Configure. For more information about post-configuration tasks, see the section Post-installation configuration and customization in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
You can also use the remote agent deployment function to configure deployed agents and install maintenance on your agents. For information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference for commands that you can use to perform these tasks.
Run the tacmd login command before executing commands from the tacmd library. This requirement does not apply to the addBundles command. Run the tacmd logoff command after you finish using the tacmd command library.
Note: If you install an agent manually and then perform a remote uninstall, the remote uninstall does not remove the entry from Windows Add/Remove program. You must remove the entry manually.