Monitor property settings

Internet service monitor properties include settings for the maximum number of threads, the interval at which the monitor spawns threads, and the maximum size of the event queue for the monitor. Ensure that these settings are optimized.

Table 1 shows the optimal settings for the MaxCCA, Pause, and QSize properties.

Table 1. Optimal settings for Internet service monitor properties 



Best setting

MaxCCA n

Sets the maximum number of threads running concurrently. The ICMP monitor does not provide this property because it is single-threaded.

50 for high-volume polling (more than 500 profile elements)

10 for low-volume polling

Pause n

Sets the interval (in milliseconds) at which the monitor spawns threads. Setting it to a higher value, such as 100 or more, causes the monitor to spawn threads more slowly.

50 for high-volume polling (more than 500 profile elements)

100 for low-volume polling

QSize n

Set the maximum size of the monitors event queue on disk.

10 MB for most situations. In larger environments, increase this value for each monitor by 1 MB per 1000 elements.