Installing agents in silent mode

In silent mode, you specify the installation properties in a text file and then run the installation without command-line prompts.

  • For production environments, create a user account that is dedicated to running the agent on the computer where the agent is installed.
  • Ensure that each computer where you are installing an agent has a supported version of the Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java developer kit. For more information, see Software Product Compatability Reports.

  • If the target computer has an IBM® JRE or Java developer kit, update to a supported version of the IBM JRE or Java developer kit.

  • Set the JAVA_HOME system variable to the location of the JRE or JDK that you are using.
  • Make sure that your networks and firewalls allow communication on the required ports. See Firewall and communication configuration.
  • Ensure that there is no limit on the maximum memory size and virtual memory size. For example, on most Linux™ systems, you can run the ulimit -m and ulimit -v commands and ensure that both return the value unlimited. To find out how to remove the limit on the maximum memory size and virtual memory size, see the documentation for the operating system.
You specify the installation properties in a properties file. The file is provided as an example of a properties file. The file is in the archive.
  1. Copy the following file from the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server to the target system: installation_folder/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/tools/
  2. Extract the archive file.
    Note: If you are installing the agent on IBM z/OS® by extracting files to the UNIX file system, you must convert the character encoding for several text-type files in the installation package to IBM-1047 encoding. If you are installing the agent by using SMP/E, you do not have to convert the character encoding. Move the installation files to the z/OS computer, and then extract the files. If the unzip program is not installed on the z/OS computer, use the jar command to extract the files. For instance, type the following text on the command line:
    JAVA_HOME/bin/jar xvf

    Run the script to convert the character encoding of the relevant files to IBM-1047 encoding. After you convert the files, continue with installation.

    If you used the jar command to extract files, add execute permission to script first.

    Note: If you are installing the agent on IBM i, you must run the commands through the IBM Portable Application Solutions Environment for i (PASE for i) shell. Move the installation files to the i system, and then extract the files. Run the script to update the installer to use the PASE for i shell. After you run the script, continue with installation.
  3. Open the file for editing, or copy the file to a new properties file.
  4. Customize the installation by editing the properties file.
    If you do not specify a property, the default value is used. Some properties in the example file are commented out by default. For a list of these properties, see Agent installation properties.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the installation file with the install-agent-from-file.bat command on Windows™ or the ./ command on Linux. Provide the properties file as a command-line argument.
    On Windows, if the properties file is named, type the following command:
The installation program installs the agent.
Start the agent. See Starting agents.