Starting the Module Discovery Service

This topic guides you through the steps to start the Module Discovery Service.

Make sure the Module Discovery Service image is loaded on to docker. If it is not, please see Load Docker Images.

To start the module discovery service, complete the following setup steps.
  1. From the command line, Change to the ibm-ucd-patterns-install/docker-install/module-discovery-service directory.
  2. Review the docker-compose.yaml file. You may want to specify a different path to the cam-mongo volume that is mounted in the container. - cam-mongo (/data/db) is the volume used for persistent Mongo DB storage of terraform stack information.
  3. Change the networks section of the docker-compose.yaml file to if you want to run this as a standalone service. Manually change the following section: networks: bpd-net:external: true
    to networks: bpd-net: driver:bridge name: bpd-net external:false .
  4. To start the Module Discovery Service, run this command: docker-compose up -d
  5. To verify that the Module Discovery Service container is running, run this command: docker ps