Installing agent relays in silent mode

In silent mode, you specify the installation properties in a text file and then run the agent relay installation without command-line prompts.

Before you begin

About this task

To install the agent relay in silent mode, you specify the installation properties in a properties file. The file is provided as an example of a properties file. The file is in the agent relay installation file.


  1. Download and extract the agent relay installer to the computer on which you want to install the agent relay:
    • To download the installer from the server, click Help , located in the upper-right corner of the page, and then click Tools. Then, click IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent Relay and download and extract the file.
    • To find the installer on the server with the command line, go to the following location and copy the file to the target system: installation_folder/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/tools/
  2. Expand the compressed installation file.
  3. Open the file for editing, or copy the file to a new properties file.
  4. Customize the installation by specifying the properties in the following table. If you do not specify a property, the default value is used. These properties are copied to the file of the completed installation.
    Table 1. Installation properties
    Property Default value Description
    agentrelay.activemq.queue.memory 64mb The memory limit for queues in Apache ActiveMQ. To prevent a single queue from using too much memory, this amount of memory should be less than one-fifth of the system memory limit in server.activemq.system.memory. Specify an integer value followed by mb for megabytes or gb for gigabytes.
    agentrelay.activemq.system.memory 512mb The total amount of memory that Apache ActiveMQ can use on the system. This amount of memory should always be much less than the maximum amount of memory that is allotted to the server. On Linux and Unix systems, the maximum server memory is set in the set_env file, in the JAVA_OPTS parameter, in the -Xmx parameter. Specify an integer value followed by mb for megabytes or gb for gigabytes.
    agentrelay.activemq.topic.memory 64mb The memory limit for topics in Apache ActiveMQ. To prevent a single topic from using too much memory, this amount of memory should be less than one-fifth of the system memory limit in server.activemq.system.memory. Specify an integer value followed by mb for megabytes or gb for gigabytes.
    agentrelay.home /opt/ibm/agentrelay on Linux or C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\agentrelay on Windows The installation folder for the relay. On Windows, escape each backslash with an additional backslash, as in the following example:
    agentrelay.home=C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\agentrelay ibm-ucd-relay The name of the relay. Each relay must have a unique name. The IP address or host name on which the relay listens for HTTP requests from agents. In most cases, the agent relay listens on all IP addresses that are available to the computer; in this case, specify
    agentrelay.http_proxy.port 20080 The port on which the agent relay listens for HTTP requests coming from agents.
    Note: In addition, the relay automatically listens for CodeStation requests on port HTTP_proxy + 1 on the system where the agent relay is located. If you use the default port for HTTP requests, the relay uses 20081 for CodeStation requests and artifact transfers. If the CodeStation request port is blocked, agents cannot download artifacts.
    agentrelay.jms_proxy.relay_host The IP address or host name on which the relay listens for HTTP requests from servers. In most cases, the agent relay listens on all IP addresses that are available to the computer; in this case, specify
    agentrelay.jms_proxy.relay_port 7916 The port that the agent relay uses for JMS-based communications with remote agents.
    agentrelay.jms_proxy.servers None. The host name or IP address and JMS port of the server that the relay connects to, as in the following example:

    To connect to multiple servers for failover, separate addresses with commas, as in the following example:,

    For more information, see Configuring agent relays for failover.
    agentrelay.user agentrelay The user with which to run the agent relay. This property is not used on Windows systems. agentrelay The group with which to run the agent relay. This property is not used on Windows systems.
    agentrelay.jms_proxy.mutualAuth false Whether to use mutual authentication.
    verify.server.identity false Whether the agent relay attempts to verify the server certificate. If set to true, you must import the server certificate to the JRE keystore on the agent relay.
    agentrelay.codestation.server_url None. The full URL of the central server to connect to, such as
    agentrelay.codestation.server_password None. An authentication token from the server.
    agentrelay.codestation.enable_replication false Specify true to enable artifact caching on the relay.
    agentrelay.codestation.max_cache_size None. The size to which to limit the artifact cache, such as 500M for 500 MB or 5G for 5 GB. To not put a limit on the cache, specify none.
    Note: By default, each hour, the agent relay checks the size of the artifact cache. If the cache is over the limit, the agent relay removes files based on which files have not been used in the longest time. Therefore, the total disk space used by the cache can exceed the cache limit. You must ensure that the agent relay has enough space to store all of the cached artifacts.
    agentrelay.codestation.geotags None. If you choose to cache files on the relay, you can specify one or more component version statuses here, separated by semicolons. The agent relay automatically caches component versions with any of these statuses so that those versions are ready when they are needed for a deployment. A status can contain a space except in the first or last position. A status can contain commas. The special * status replicates all artifacts, but use this status with caution, because it can make the agent relay store a large amount of data. If no value is specified, no component versions are cached automatically.
    Note: If you cache files on the relay, do not put the CodeStation cache on an NFS file system.
    agentrelay.install.service false Specify true to install as a Windows service.This property is used only on Windows. agentrelay The name of the service. This property is used only on Windows.
    agentrelay.install.service.login .\\localsystem The user to run the service. This property is used only on Windows.
    agentrelay.install.service.password nopass The password for the user that runs the service. This property is used only on Windows.
    agentrelay.install.service.autostart false Specify true to start the service automatically. This property is used only on Windows.
    java.home None. To use a JRE other than the JRE in the JAVA_HOME environment variable, specify the location of that JRE here.
    agentrelay.keystore conf/jms-relay/agentrelay.keystore The location of the keystore for JMS communication.
    agentrelay.keystore.password changeit The keystore password for the agentrelay.keystore file.
    agentrelay.cert.alias agentrelay The certificate alias for the agentrelay.keystore file.
    agentrelay.cert.password changeit The password for the agentrelay.keystore certificate.
    codestation.keystore conf/codestation.keystore The location of the keystore for HTTPS communication.
    codestation.keystore.password changeit The keystore password for the codestation.keystore file.
    codestation.cert.alias agentrelay The certificate alias for the codestation.keystore file.
    codestation.cert.password changeit The password for the codestation.keystore certificate.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Run the installation file with the install-silent.cmd command on Windows or the ./ command on Linux. Provide the properties file as a command-line argument. For example, on Windows, if the properties file is named, type the following command:
    On Linux, if the properties file is named, type the following command:
    To install a FIPS-compliant agent relay, add the -fips parameter, as in the following example:
    ./ -fips
  7. If the relay is on Linux or UNIX and will connect to 400 or more agents, increase the process and file limit for the server:
    1. Add the following lines to the file that sets process and file limits. For example, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 7, use the /etc/security/limits.conf file. For AIX, use the /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf file.
      relayUser             soft    nofile          60000
      relayUser             hard    nofile          60000
      relayUser             soft    nproc           65535
      relayUser             hard    nproc           65535
      Use the name of the operating system user that is running the agent relay for relayUser. By default, the agent relay installation program creates a user that is named agentrelay.
    2. Restart the computer that hosts the agent relay.
  8. To start the agent relay, go to the installation folder for the relay and run the following command:
    bin/agentrelay start


Any messages that are created during the installation are stored in the file agentrelay-install.log.

What to do next

If you must modify the relay, you can edit these properties in the file in the relay_installation\conf directory.

Now you can install agents and connect them to the relay. See Installing agents.

To monitor the status of the relay and the agents that are connected to it, click Resources > Agent Relays. This tab shows the number of active and offline agents that are connected to each relay, as shown in the following figure:

Information about agent relays, including the number and state of connected agents
For more information about an agent relay, in the Name column, click the relay.
