Installing the server in IBM Cloud Private

You can install a containerized version of the IBM UrbanCode™ Deploy server in an IBM Cloud Private (ICP) cluster. The UrbanCode Deploy server is installed using a Helm chart. After the server is installed, you can manage it with the ICP Management console.

Before you begin

The containerized version of UrbanCode deploy is compatible with IBM Cloud Private versions and later. Prior to installing UrbanCode Deploy, the following prerequisites must be met.

Table 1. UrbanCode Deploy Installation Prerequisites - IBM Cloud Private
Prerequisite Description
Prepare your IBM Cloud Private cluster Install IBM® Cloud Private
Install the ICP command line client. Install ICP command line client
If you want to install the server image using the Helm command-line client instead of the ICP user interface, install kubectl and then set up the Helm CLI (command line interface). Install and set up kubectl, and then Install and set up the Helm CLI.
The containerized server, like the on-premises version, requires a database. The database can be installed in any location that can be accessed by the cluster, such as an on-premise location or in a cluster. Install database. Note, unlike the on-premises version of IBM UrbanCode Deploy, the containerized version does not support the Apache Derby database.

Secret - A Kubernetes Secret object must be created to store the initial UCD administrator password and the password used to access the database. These passwords are retrieved during Helm chart installation. The secret must be named 'HelmReleaseName-secrets' where 'HelmReleaseName' is the release name you give when installing this Helm chart.

The secret can be created either by using the Cluster Console or using the kubectl CLI.

Through the Cluster Console, create Secret objects in the target namespace.

Click on Configuration > Secrets in the left navigation view.

Click the New Secret button

On the General tab: Enter the name of the secret object. For example: MyRelease-secrets.

Choose the namespace where the chart is to be installed.

On the Data tab: Enter dbpassword in the Name field.

Use your favorite base64 encoding tool to encode the database password and paste it into the Value field.

Click the Add data button and repeat for Name initpassword

Click the Create button.

Through the kubectl CLI, create a Secret object in the target namespace.

Generate the base64 encoded values for the initial UrbanCode Deploy admin password and database passwords.

The installation material consists of an IBM Passport Advantage® archive (PPA) file, that contains a Docker image and a Helm chart. Helm is the Kubernetes package management tool. Helm charts are packages similar to debs and rpms packages. Download the PPA file for your operating system from the IBM Passport Advantage website. PPA files are available for x86, Z Linux systems and PowerPC® (LE).

Typically, your cluster administrator loads the PPA file into ICP using a CLI command (cloudctl catalog load-archive), that installs the Docker image and the Helm chart.

Load PPA archive file
Note: If your cluster administrator has not loaded the Helm chart and Docker image, you can perform this from a command line.
Two persistent volumes are required for Urban Code Deploy. One volume holds the JDBC driver or drivers and the other contains the server's /appdata directory.

If your Kubernetes cluster does NOT support dynamic persistent volumes, you need to manually create and set up storage volumes in your cluster.

Note: If your Kubernetes cluster supports dynamic storage provisioning, this prerequisite is not required. Storage is automatically managed.
Create persistent volumes
Copy the JDBC drivers to the extLib persistent volume created in your Kubernetes cluster.

Use a ConfigMap to copy the JDBC files into the persistent volume.

This sample YAML file describes a ConfigMap resource with a shell script, named The script performs a wget command to pull the MySQL.jar file from a web server and copy it to the ${UCD_HOME}/ext_lib/ directory in the container. In order for the image initialization code to find and execute the script, the script must be named

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: user-script
data: |
    echo "Running"
    if [ ! -f ${UCD_HOME}/ext_lib/mysql-jdbc.jar ] ; then
      which wget
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        apt-get update -y
        echo "Installing wget..."
        apt-get install wget -y
      echo "Copying file(s)..."    
      wget http://hostname/ucd-extlib/mysql-jdbc.jar
      mv mysql-jdbc.jar ${UCD_HOME}/ext_lib/
      echo "Done copying."
      echo "File ${UCD_HOME}/ext_lib/mysql-jdbc.jar already exists."

To create your own ConfigMap, make a copy using the copy icon provided, place the content in a file called userscript.yaml and run the following command:

kubectl apply -f user-script.yaml

About this task

This task consists of defining parameters for the Helm chart and initiating its installation.


  1. Complete the steps in Before you begin.
  2. Complete the following actions for the Helm chart.
    1. Open the Dashboard for your IBM Cloud Private instance.
    2. On the task bar, select Catalog > Helm charts, filter the list on ucd, then select the Helm chart that you loaded, ibm-ucd-prod.
    3. On the Helm Chart README page, review the chart's properties using the tool tips provided.
    4. Click Configure, and then define the chart properties. Most properties have default values already defined. See Helm chart configuration parameters.
  3. Click Install. A Helm release is created for an instance of the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server in your cluster.
  4. Click View Helm Release to view information about your IBM UrbanCode Deploy instance.
  5. Use the following command to uninstall and delete the my-ucd-release deployment. The command removes all the Kubernetes resources associated with the chart and deletes the release.
    $ helm delete --purge --tls my-ucd-release

What to do next

Access your containerized instance of IBM UrbanCode Deploy.
