Get information about all agent pools

Return a JSON representation of all agent pools.


GET https://{hostname}:{port}
Table 1. Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
active boolean false Specify true (the default) to include active agent pools
inactive boolean false Specify true to include inactive agent pools; the default is false

Example response

    "id": "11dda768-525d-4055-a7d2-5fb0e86ad236",
    "name": "Pool1",
    "active": true,
    "description": "",
    "status": "ONLINE"
    "id": "8bfa2e62-2376-466c-91c5-3f79b3e6f655",
    "name": "Pool2",
    "active": true,
    "description": "",
    "status": "ONLINE"

Related CLI command: getAgentPools.
