
This resource type represents a floating IP address on SoftLayer.
Table 1. Properties
Name Type Required Description
fixed_ip_address String False IP address to use if the port has multiple addresses.
floating_network String False Network to allocate floating IP from.
floating_network_id String False  
port_id String False ID of an existing port with at least one IP address to associate with this floating IP.
value_specs map False Extra parameters to include in the floatingip object in the creation request. Parameters are often specific to installed hardware or extensions.
Table 2. Attributes
Name Description
fixed_ip_address The IP address of the associated port, if specified.
floating_ip_address The allocated address of this IP.
floating_network_id The ID of the network in which this IP is allocated.
port_id The ID of the port that is associated with this IP
router_id ID of the router used as gateway, set when associated with a port.
show Displays all attributes.
tenant_id The tenant that owns this floating IP.
