
This resource type represents a volume on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. It extends the type OS::Cinder::Volume.
Table 1. Properties
Name Type Required Description
availability_zone String False The availability zone in which to create the volume.
backup_id String False If specified, the backup from which to create the volume.
description String False Description of the volume.
image String False The name or ID of the image from which to create the volume.
imageRef String False ID of the image from which to create the volume.
metadata String False Key/value pairs to associate with the volume.
name String False Name of the volume.
size Number False Size of the volume in GB.
snapshot_id String False The snapshot from which to create the volume.
source_volid String False The volume to use as a source.
volume_type String False The type of volume to use. The volume type is mapped to a specific back end.
Table 2. Attributes
Name Description
availability_zone The availability zone in which the volume is located.
bootable A Boolean value that indicates if the volume can be booted or not.
created_at The time stamp that indicates volume creation.
create_time The time that this volume was created.
display_description The description of the volume.
display_name The name of this volume.
encrypted The value is true if this volume is encrypted.
id The ID of this volume.
iops The I/O operations that this volume can support.
metadata The key/value pairs that are associated with the volume.
metadata_values The key/value pairs that are associated with the volume in raw dict form.
region The region of this volume.
size The size of the volume in GB.
snapshot_id The snapshot the volume was created from, if any.
source_volid The volume that is used as source, if any.
status The current status of the volume.
type The type of this volume.
volume_type The type of the volume mapping to a back end, if any.
zone The availability zone of this volume.
