Configuring VMware vCenter images

Before you can use VMware vCenter images with the blueprint designer, you must install cloud-init and a virtual CD-ROM drive on those images. Cloud-init is a set of scripts and utilities that cloud systems use to initialize and configure instances.


  1. On the image, install a package for cloud initialization.
    • If you use a Linux image, install the cloud-init package, version 0.7.5 or version 0.7.6. This package is available from the Red Hat Network (RHN) common channel. On Linux images, you can often install cloud-init with the package manager. For example, if you are using a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7 image, you can enable the common repository and install cloud-init with the following command:
      yum install --enablerepo rhel-7-server-rh-common-rpms cloud-init
      You might need to adapt this command for your distribution of Linux. For example, for RHEL version 6, substitute the repository rhel-6-server-rh-common-rpms in this command. If you have a problem enabling the common repository, you might need to subscribe to the common channel with a command that is similar to the following example:
      subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rh-common-rpms
      Then, try running the install command again.

      The following instructions assume that cloud-init was installed by the yum package manager. You might need to adapt these instructions to work with other package managers or other distributions of Linux.

    • If you use a Windows image, install the cloudbase-init package. Download it from and install it by following the procedure at Accept the default values, and ensure that the user name is Administrator.
  2. Optional: On a Linux image, enable password access through SSH for the root user:
    1. Open the file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg in a text editor.
    2. Remove any lines of code that begin with disable_root.
    3. Add the following line of code:
      disable_root: 0
    4. Save your changes to the file.
  3. Optional: If you want to run Chef roles on the image, run the automated script to install the heat-config toolchain on the image.
    Note: Chef roles are supported only on RHEL version 7 images.
    1. Download and extract the file os-chef-config-hook.tgz. This file is provided in the heat engine installation media and is in the following location: /installation_files_location/ibm-ucd-patterns-install/engine-install/resources
    2. Copy the file to a temporary folder, such as /tmp/install_chain.
    3. On the command line, move to the temporary folder.
    4. Run the following command:
      ./ > install.log 2>&1
      This command might take several minutes to complete.
    5. Verify that the command ran successfully by looking at the end of the file install.log. The end of this file should show the output of the os-collect-config command, as in the following example:
      + cat /etc/os-collect-config.conf
      command = os-refresh-config
      + os-collect-config --one-time --debug
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.764 27527 WARNING os_collect_config.ec2 [-] ('Connection aborted.', error(101, 'Network is unreachable'))
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.765 27527 WARNING os-collect-config [-] Source [ec2] Unavailable.
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.765 27527 WARNING os_collect_config.cfn [-] No Access Key ID configured.
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.766 27527 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] Source [cfn] Not configured. collect_all /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/os_collect_config/
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.766 27527 WARNING os_collect_config.heat [-] No auth_url configured.
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.766 27527 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] Source [heat] Not configured. collect_all /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/os_collect_config/
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.767 27527 WARNING os_collect_config.request [-] No metadata_url configured.
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.767 27527 WARNING os-collect-config [-] Source [request] Unavailable.
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.767 27527 WARNING os_collect_config.local [-] /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data not found. Skipping
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.767 27527 WARNING os_collect_config.local [-] No local metadata found (['/var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data'])
      2015-08-14 13:51:30.768 27527 DEBUG os-collect-config [-] No changes detected. __main__ /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/os_collect_config/
    6. Optional: Verify that the Chef client and the knife command line tool are running.
      • To confirm that the Chef client is running, on the command line, run the following command:
        chef-client -v
        The version number is displayed. If the Chef client is not running, manually install it. See Chef Downloads: Chef Client.
      • To confirm that the knife command line tool is running, on the command line, run the following command:
        knife -v
        The version number is displayed. If the knife command line tool is not running, manually configure the Chef development kit. See Install the Chef DK.
  4. Install a virtual CD-ROM drive on your image. See Add a DVD or CD-ROM Drive to a Virtual Machine.
  5. Capture the image as a template for the cloud system:
    1. Shut down the image. For example, on a Linux image, run the following command:
      shutdown -h now
    2. From the VMware vSphere Web Client, find your instance.
    3. Right-click the instance and then click Clone to Template and follow the steps to create a template from your image.

What to do next

You can use the image with the blueprint designer. See Modeling environments for VMware vCenter.
