Starting the server

You can use a web browser to open the URL that was specified when the server was installed.

Install the server and database. For information about installing the server, see Installing and configuring the server. For information about installing the database, see Installing the database. If you do not use the application shortcuts that are created when the server is installed, you need to know the URL that was configured during server installation.

Starting the version 6.2.2 and later server on Windows

Start the server by completing one of these steps:
  • As an administrator, use the Start IBM UrbanCode Release application shortcut that is located in the IBM UrbanCode Platform application group.
  • As an administrator, run the start_server.cmd batch file. The file is in the server_installation\bin directory. The default server installation directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\UCRelease\server .

Starting the server for versions prior to version 6.2.2 on Windows

Start the server by completing one of these steps:
  • As an administrator, use the Start IBM UrbanCode Release application shortcut that is located in the IBM UrbanCode Platform application group.
  • As an administrator, run the start_startup.bat batch file. The file is in the server_installation\server directory. The default server installation directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\UCRelease\server .

Starting the version 6.2.2 and later server on Linux

As an administrator, run the ./server start file. The file is in the server_installation\bin directory. The default server installation directory is /opt/IBM/UCRelease on Linux™

Starting the server for versions prior to version 6.2.2 on Linux

As an administrator, run the ./server start file. The file is in the server_installation\server directory. The default server installation directory is /opt/IBM/UCRelease/server on Linux.