release resource

Resource that manages releases.

JSON request templates

Some commands in this resource generate JSON output in multiple formats, as specified by the format parameter. These output formats include different subsets of properties for the requested elements, as appropriate for different use cases. The included properties for each format are described in the JSON templates below.
  "createdByUserId": "ID of the user who created the 
  "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was created",
  "description": "Release description",
  "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was deleted. If greater than 0, the release 
  has been removed.",
  "id": "Release ID",
  "name": "Release name",
  "targetDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release must be completed",
  "version": "Hibernate version number"
  "baseApplication": "(See: application TEMPLATE_LIST)",
  "createdByUserId": "ID of the user who created the 
  "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was created",
  "description": "Release description",
  "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was deleted. If greater than 0, the release 
  has been removed.",
  "id": "Release ID",
  "lifecycleModel": {
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Lifecycle has been created.",
    "description": "Lifecycle Description",
    "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Lifecycle has been deleted. If greater than 0 the 
  Lifecycle has been removed.",
    "id": "Lifecycle ID",
    "name": "Lifecycle Name",
    "version": "Version number"
  "milestones": [{
    "createdByUserId": "User Id who has created that 
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Milestone has been created.",
    "daysToTargetDate": "Number of days before the Release 
  Target Date",
    "description": "Milestone Description",
    "id": "Milestone ID",
    "name": "Milestone Name",
    "originalPlanDate": "Timestamp that represents the 
  original planned date",
    "status": "Milestone Status (NOT STARTED, IN PROGRESS, 
    "updatedPlanDate": "Timestamp that represents the 
  updated planned date, when the Milestone has been 
    "version": "Version number"
  "name": "Release name",
  "targetDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release must be completed",
  "teamId": "Team ID",
  "teamName": "Team name",
  "totalChanges": {
    "Accepted": {"total": "Number of changes"},
    "Completed": {"total": "Number of changes"},
    "In Progress": {"total": "Number of changes"},
    "New": {"total": "Number of changes"},
    "Other": {"total": "Number of changes"}
  "version": "Hibernate version number"
  "applications": "[Array of Applications (See: 
  application TEMPLATE_CHANGE)]",
  "baseApplication": "(See: application TEMPLATE_LIST)",
  "createdByUserId": "ID of the user who created the 
  "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was created",
  "description": "Release description",
  "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was deleted. If greater than 0, the release 
  has been removed.",
  "id": "Release ID",
  "lifecycleModel": {
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Lifecycle has been created.",
    "description": "Lifecycle Description",
    "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Lifecycle has been deleted. If greater than 0 the 
  Lifecycle has been removed.",
    "id": "Lifecycle ID",
    "name": "Lifecycle Name",
    "version": "Version number"
  "milestones": [{
    "createdByUserId": "User Id who has created that 
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Milestone has been created.",
    "daysToTargetDate": "Number of days before the Release 
  Target Date",
    "description": "Milestone Description",
    "id": "Milestone ID",
    "name": "Milestone Name",
    "originalPlanDate": "Timestamp that represents the 
  original planned date",
    "status": "Milestone Status (NOT STARTED, IN PROGRESS, 
    "updatedPlanDate": "Timestamp that represents the 
  updated planned date, when the Milestone has been 
    "version": "Version number"
  "name": "Release name",
  "phases": [{
    "approvals": [{
      "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Approval has been created.",
      "executorRole": {
        "actions": "Array of IDs representing allowed 
  actions for this role -- GET /roles/actions for the list 
  of possible actions",
        "description": "Role description",
        "id": "Role ID",
        "name": "Role name"
      "id": "Approval ID",
      "name": "Approval Name",
      "status": "Approval Status (PLANNED, OPEN, 
      "version": "Version number"
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Phase has been created.",
    "deploymentPlan": {
      "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Deployment Plan has been created.",
      "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Deployment Plan has been deleted. If greater than 
  0 the Deployment Plan has been removed.",
      "id": "Deployment Plan ID",
      "name": "Deployment Plan Name",
      "version": "Version number"
    "endDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the Phase ends.",
    "environments": [{
      "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Environment has been created.",
      "description": "Environment Description",
      "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Environment has been deleted. If greater than 0 
  the Environment has been removed.",
      "id": "Environment ID",
      "name": "Environment Name",
      "version": "Version number"
    "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Phase has been deleted. If greater than 0 the 
  Phase has been removed.",
    "id": "Phase ID",
    "name": "Phase Name",
    "phaseModel": {
      "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the PhaseModel has been created.",
      "exemptions": [{
        "application": "(See: application TEMPLATE_ROOT)",
        "createdByUserId": "User ID who have created the 
        "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Version has been created.",
        "expiryDate": "Date when the exemption will expire 
        "id": "Exemption ID",
        "name": "Version Name",
        "phaseModel": {
          "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the 
  date when the PhaseModel has been created.",
          "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the 
  date when the PhaseModel has been deleted. If greater than 
  0 the PhaseModel has been removed.",
          "id": "PhaseModel ID",
          "indexOrder": "PhaseModel order",
          "name": "PhaseModel Name",
          "version": "Version number"
        "release": "(See: release TEMPLATE_ROOT",
        "version": "Version number"
      "gates": [{
        "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Gate has been created.",
        "description": "Gate Description",
        "id": "Gate ID",
        "name": "Gate Name",
        "status": {
          "color": "Status color (Hexadecimal)",
          "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the 
  date when the Status has been created.",
          "description": "Status Description",
          "id": "Status ID",
          "name": "Status Name",
          "order": "Status order",
          "version": "Version number"
        "version": "Version number"
      "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the PhaseModel has been deleted. If greater than 0 
  the PhaseModel has been removed.",
      "id": "PhaseModel ID",
      "indexOrder": "PhaseModel order",
      "name": "PhaseModel Name",
      "version": "Version number"
    "reservations": "[Array of Environment Reservations 
  (See: environmentReservation TEMPLATE_LIST)]",
    "startDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the Phase starts.",
    "version": "Version number"
  "targetDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release must be completed",
  "version": "Hibernate version number"
  "applications": "[Array of applications (See: 
  application TEMPLATE_CHANGE)]",
  "createdByUserId": "ID of the user who created the 
  "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was created",
  "description": "Release description",
  "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release was deleted. If greater than 0, the release 
  has been removed.",
  "id": "Release ID",
  "lifecycleModel": {
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Lifecycle has been created.",
    "description": "Lifecycle Description",
    "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Lifecycle has been deleted. If greater than 0 the 
  Lifecycle has been removed.",
    "id": "Lifecycle ID",
    "name": "Lifecycle Name",
    "version": "Version number"
  "name": "Release name",
  "targetDate": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the release must be completed",
  "version": "Hibernate version number"
