environmentReservation resource

Resource that manages reservations for environments.

JSON request templates

Some commands in this resource generate JSON output in multiple formats, as specified by the format parameter. These output formats include different subsets of properties for the requested elements, as appropriate for different use cases. The included properties for each format are described in the JSON templates below.
list, detail
  "applicationTargets": [{
    "application": "(See: application TEMPLATE_ROOT",
    "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Application Target has been created.",
    "environments": [{
      "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Environment has been created.",
      "description": "Environment Description",
      "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Environment has been deleted. If greater than 0 
  the Environment has been removed.",
      "id": "Environment ID",
      "name": "Environment Name",
      "version": "Version number"
    "ghostedDate": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Application Target has been deleted. If greater 
  than 0 the Application Target has been removed.",
    "id": "Application Target ID",
    "latestVersion": "(See: version TEMPLATE_ROOT)",
    "name": "Application Target Name",
    "tags": [{
      "color": "Hexadecimal color code",
      "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date 
  when the Tag has been created.",
      "description": "Tag Description",
      "id": "Tag ID",
      "name": "Tag Name",
      "version": "Version number"
    "version": "Version number"
  "dateCreated": "Timestamp that represents the date when 
  the reservation was created.",
  "environment": "Release environment ID",
  "environmentName": "Release environment name",
  "id": "EnvironmentReservation ID",
  "phase": "Phase ID",
  "version": "Version number"
