The IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer

You can use the IBM® Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) to plot and analyze data to help diagnose problems and tune your Java™ or Node.js processes.

GCMV parses and plots data from various types of log, including the following types:

  • Verbose garbage collection logs that are generated by IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition.
  • Verbose garbage collection logs that are generated by Oracle's Java SE Development Kit.
  • Verbose garbage collection logs that are generated by IBM SDK for Node.js.
  • Native memory logs that are generated by using the ps, svmon, or perfmon system commands.
  • Trace garbage collection logs that are generated by using the -Xtgc parameter in IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition.
You can use GCMV to complete the following actions:
  • View a wide range of verbose garbage collection data values in a graphical display.
  • Obtain tuning recommendations, and detect problems such as memory leaks.
  • View data in report, raw log, tabulated data, or graph formats.
  • Save data as .html reports, .jpg images, or .csv files for export to spreadsheets.
  • View and compare multiple logs.
  • Analyze balanced, optthruput, optavgpause, and gencon garbage collection modes.

For installation information, system requirements, and other overview information, see IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools - Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer on IBM developerWorks®.

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