Installing a Health Center monitoring agent

You install the Health Center client and agent separately. Some IBM® products already have a monitoring agent installed. For IBM SDK, Java™ Technology Edition and IBM SDK for Node.js, you can download and install later agents, to ensure that you have the latest updates. If you are using IBM Bluemix®, you cannot update the agent that is provided as part of the Bluemix runtime environments.

Before you begin

Download and install the latest Health Center client..

For information about software requirements, supported operating systems, and the Health Center functions that are available with each release of IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition and IBM SDK for Node.js, see Platform requirements.


  • For Node.js, obtain and install an updated Node Application Metrics agent.

    The IBM SDK contains a Node Application Metrics agent, but later versions of the agent that contain new function might be available. These versions are available at Note that although you can install the agent into a non-IBM Node.js SDK, this scenario is not supported by IBM.

  • For IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, obtain and install an updated Health Center agent.
    The IBM SDK contains a Health Center agent, but later versions of the agent that contain new function might be available.
    1. Obtain a Health Center agent package.
      1. If you haven't already done so, start the Health Center client that you previously downloaded and installed.

      2. The agents are packaged within the client. In the client, follow the instructions in Help > Health Center agents to obtain the package that corresponds to the version of the IBM SDK that you are running.

    2. Install the Health Center agent.
      Extract the downloaded package into one of the following directories:
      • The installation directory of the IBM SDK that will run your Java application. The installation directory is the parent directory of the jre directory.

      • A different directory, of your choice. If updating your file system is difficult, for example on z/OS® systems where the file system is typically read-only and managed by SMP/E or IBM Installation Manager, you might want to install the agent outside of the SDK installation directory. You specify your chosen directory when you start the Health Center agent.

      Complete the installation instructions for your operating system:
      • Installing on Windows or Linux systems: Extract the agent package. For example, if you have IBM 32-bit SDK for Windows, Java Technology Edition, Version 7, extract the contents of the Windows x86 32-bit agent package. The default SDK installation directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70.

      • Installing on AIX® systems: Extract the agent package. If you see the following message, the specified library, library_name, is loaded into the shared library space.
        can't create library_name: Text file busy
        Complete the following steps:
        1. Ensure that Health Center is not in use.
        2. Delete the specified library, then re-extract the agent package until there are no more such messages.
        3. As the root user, run the slibclean command (usually found in the /usr/sbin/ directory). This command cleans the shared library space so that the latest version of the specified library is loaded into the shared library space the next time that Health Center is run.
      • Installing on z/OS systems: Unpack the z/OS agent package, which is a .pax file, by using the command pax -ppx -rf. For example, the following command unpacks the package into the default installation directory for IBM SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition, Version 7:
        W0 /usr/lpp/java/J7.0: pax -ppx -rf ../mz31.pax

      After installation, you can see Health Center files in the jre\lib\ext and jre\bin directories within the target directory. For example, in the Windows system mentioned previously, the healthcenter.jar file is in C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre\lib\ext.