SWIFTNet Client Profile

The SWIFTNet Client Profile enables you to create a profile and store it in the database for repeated usage. This is especially useful for ad-hoc testing with a partner. This feature is available to be used with the SWIFTNet7 Client service only. If the SWIFTNet7ClientService is called from a business process and profileName is specified, the service retrieves the client profile and uses the information stored there to send a message to the SWIFTNet MEFG Server.

This wizard uses the Application Service Profile (ASP) feature introduced in SWIFTNet 7. SWIFT provides the ASP that is imported into the system when you create a SWIFTNet Client Profile, the wizard looks up in the ASP (which was already imported into the system) to determine the possible values for each of the parameter in the user interface (only if the property useASP from <Install_DIR>/properties/swiftnet7.properties is set to true). However, if you do not want to make use of the ASP feature, you can still create a SWIFTNet Client Profile. In this case the wizard still notifies you which parameters are required/allowed, but only to a certain extent because the unavailability of the ASP itself.

If you are not using ASP, you should set the useASP parameter in the swiftnet7.properties file to FALSE so that you can use the Client Profile.

When ASP is used, the wizard is able to populate the fields with the correct options. For example, if Non-Repudiation is optional, you are able to select TRUE/FALSE. If the service is a Store-and-Forward Service, the wizard only shows the fields related to Store-and-Forward. Another example is if the service is a Copy Service, and ThirdPartySelectable is TRUE, the wizard populates a list of third party DNs that the user can select. If the Copy Mode is Y-Copy, the wizard can guide you to only select one third party DN, but if the Copy Mode is T-Copy, the wizard allows you to select up to ten third party DNs.

All these options are not available if either ASP is not used or useASP=false. Using the example above, you would still able to specify the list of third party DNs, but the DN value might not be valid.

If a service has thirty third party DNs defined and if ThirdPartySelectable flag is set to TRUE, the Requestor can select third parties from the list to which the request must be copied. For T-Copy Service, the requestor is allowed to choose up to ten third party DNs. For Y-Copy Service, the requestor is only allowed to choose one. However, if the ThirdPartySelectable flag is set to FALSE, the requestor is not allowed to choose, so the request is copied to all the third party DN(s) defined in the list.

When sending an InterAct message with the Possible Duplicate flag is set to True, you can specify the Message ID (if it is known) or leave it blank. When sending a FileAct message, you may specify Physical Filename, Logical Filename, File Description, File Information, Transfer Description and Transfer Information. A System message is an InterAct SnF message with a special payload that communicates with SWIFT, not with the final responder. When sending a System message, you may specify system-message related parameters to automatically create the system-message payload.

For SWIFTNet 7.0, the SWIFTNet Client Profile also allows you to take advantage of the SWIFTNet 7.0 features related to Message or File Distribution.

You can also import and export SWIFTNet Client Profiles from one application instance to another.