Document Tracking for SWIFTNet Transport

The document tracking support within the SWIFTNet Client service and SWIFTNet Server Adapter or SWIFTNet7 Adapter provides you with a document-centric view of the whole process of SWIFTNet messaging. This gives you the ability to monitor the workflow not only from business process point of view, but also from the actual document point of view. In a single view, you can see how the document is transformed/translated from one form to another within Sterling B2B Integrator, and how the request and response document correlate with each other.

To enable this feature, all the business processes that are related to the SWIFTNet workflow must have the Document Tracking option enabled when you check in or edit the business processes. To do so and enable the framework to track, select the Document Tracking check box on the Process Levels page. Set the following options as needed and leave the rest of the business process parameters as the defaults:

  • On the Deadline Settings page, set the deadline and notification options, if necessary.
  • On the Life Span page, set the life span, if necessary.