EDIINT Acknowledge Check Service

The following table provides an overview of the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service:

System name
Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) categories
All Services, Internet B2B > EDIINT
Determines whether an MDN acknowledgement has been received for an EDIINT message within a business process in the IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator. If the MDN acknowledgement is not received within a specific period of time or if a negative MDN is received, the service can cause the business process to fail (or it can continue successfully, depending on the service configuration).

This service is designed to be used in a business process after a message has been sent

You must always include an EDIINT Message service or EDIINT Pipeline service configuration in a business process whenever you include an EDIINT Acknowledge Check service configuration.

Requires third party files?
Platform availability
All supported application platforms
Related services
  • EDIINT Message service
  • EDIINT Pipeline service
Application requirements
Initiates business processes?
Runs as part of a business process.

How the EDIINT Acknowledge Check Service Works

The following steps summarize how the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service works within a business process:

  1. The EDIINT Acknowledge Check service is used to verify that an acknowledgement was received for a message you sent.
  2. The EDIINT Acknowledge Check service processes the information in the database about the EDIINT message sent and determines whether an acknowledgement was received for the EDIINT message.

    You can configure the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service to check information in the database in either once, or on a recurring basis, at a specified time interval. The time interval can be configured in one of the following ways:

    • Globally
    • Using the MDN timeout interval configured in the trading profile (default)
  3. The EDIINT Acknowledge Check service responds in one of the following ways:
    • The service fails the step in the business process where the service runs, if an MDN acknowledgement is not received during the time interval it checks (default).

      If you configured the service to function this way, it allows business processes that send EDIINT messages to complete successfully only when an MDN acknowledgement is received for the message sent in the business process.

    • The business process continues normally when the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service runs, whether or not an MDN acknowledgement was received during the specified time interval.

      If you configured the service to function this way, it allows you to determine whether an acknowledgement was received without interrupting the business process.

Implementing the EDIINT Acknowledge Check Service

To implement the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service, complete the following tasks:

  1. Activate your license for the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service.
  2. Create an EDIINT Acknowledge Check service configuration.
  3. Configure the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service.
  4. Use the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service in a business process.

    When creating business processes, determine whether you want to stop the business process or execute retry logic if an acknowledgement is not received within a defined time interval. If you want to stop the business process, insert the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service last in a business process for sending messages.

Configuring the EDIINT Acknowledge Check Service

To configure the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service, you must specify settings for the following fields in the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator and in the GPM.

Note: The field names in parentheses represent the corresponding field names in the GPM. This information is provided for your reference.
Field Description
Name Unique and meaningful name for the service configuration. Required.
Description Meaningful description for the service configuration, for reference purposes. Required.
Select a Group Select one of the options:
  • None – You do not want to include this configuration in a group at this time.
  • Create New Group – You can enter a name for a new group in this field, which will then be created along with this configuration.
  • Select Group – If you have already created one or more groups for this service type, they are displayed in the list. Select a group from the list.


EDIINT Acknowledge Check service polls at specific intervals for an acknowledgement. Valid values are Yes (default) and No. Required.
Poll Interval (Seconds)


Interval at which to poll. Valid value is the number of seconds. Default is 180. Optional.
MDN Timeout (Seconds)


Timeout interval during which to expect an acknowledgement. Valid value is the number of seconds. Optional.
Note: If you specify the interval when you configure the service, the service configuration will always use this timeout value, regardless of any value specified in the trading profile. Valid value is the number of seconds.
Fail on expired message


Whether to fail the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service when a message is not acknowledged within the required time. Valid values are Yes (default) and No. Required.
Expire messages in database


Whether the EDIINT Acknowledge Check service updates the status of a transaction to Expired in the database when a message is not acknowledged within the required interval (if polling) or simply not acknowledged if checking only once. Valid values are Yes (default) and No. Required.