Correlation Service

The following table provides an overview of the Correlation service:

System name
Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) categories
All Services, System
Adds a record to the correlation table to enable you to track a document or business process.

Collects the information for a specific name and value pair from either documents that pass through a business process, or from the business process itself. The correlation name and value pairs are saved in the correlation table.

Requires third party files?
Platform availability
All supported application platforms
Related services
Application requirements
Initiates business processes?
Runs as part of a business process.
Business process context considerations
Returned status values
Persistence level

Using Correlations in the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator

IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator uses correlations to define specific data items as tracking points for business processes and documents. Rather than having to search all of the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator or a particular invoice, for example, you can define a correlation that enables you to search for that invoice number, which saves you time.

The data for the correlations is stored as name/value pair records in the Correlation table in the IBM Sterling B2B Integrator. You can then search the data using the Correlation Search option.

Data for correlations can be collected by:

  • Using the Correlation service in a business process.
  • Using an Update standard rule in a map.
  • Using one or more of the EDI services in a business process.

    For information about these services, see the sections on the EDI services in this guide.

How the Correlation Service Works

Each configuration of the Correlation service is set up to collect the information for a specific name and value pair from either documents that pass through a business process, or from the business process itself. If you choose to collect information from a document, the document's correlation value is written associated to the primary/non-primary document identifier. If the Correlation service is used to collect information about the business process, the correlation value for that process is written associated with the process ID. The correlation name and value pair are saved in the correlation table. You can then locate the document or business process using its associated name/value pair.

Correlation Service Example

You want to be able to view the contents of incoming purchase orders. In this case, the inbound purchase orders go through a business process that includes the Translation service. The Correlation service configuration is added to the business process after the Translation service, so it starts after translation.

The Correlation service has the following parameters set: the Correlation name is PONumber, and the Type is Document. When purchase orders pass through the Correlation service during the business process, they pass the information for the PONumber to the service.

The name and value pair you specify can then be used in Correlation Search to locate the correlation object, which in this case is a document. For this example, the Correlation Search will display a link to the primary document created from the Translation service, since the Correlation service followed the start of the Translation service.

For example, purchase order number 12345 passes through the Correlation service, and passes this information to the service:

  • Correlation Name: PONumber
  • Value: 12345
  • Type: Document

The service adds a correlation called PONumber with a value of 12345 for the primary document. Using the Correlation Search option, you can enter the name/value pair PONumber/12345, and view the contents of that purchase order.

You can dynamically assign NAME and VALUE from the process data in your business process to associate with a document or business process. The following figure shows an example of how the Correlation service could be used in a business process:

<process name=”test”>
    <operation name="SaveId">
     <participant name="CorrelationService"/>
       <output message="Xout">
            <assign to="NAME">PO_Number</assign>
            <assign to="VALUE">PO12345</assign>
         <assign to="TYPE">DOCUMENT</assign>
         <assign to="OBJECT_ID" 
          <assign to="." from="*"></assign>
      <input message="xin">
            <assign to="." from="*"></assign>

Implementing the Correlation Service

To implement the Correlation service, complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a Correlation service configuration. For information, see Creating Correlation Service Configuration
  2. Configure the Correlation service.
  3. Use the Correlation service in a business process.

Configuring the Correlation Service

To configure the Correlation service, you must specify settings for the following fields in the GPM:

Name of the service configuration. Required.
Name associated with this correlation. For example, PONUMBER.
ID of the document or business process that correlates with a specific name/value pair. Generally, this field is left blank.
The information this correlation will track. Valid values are Document and Business Process.
Value of the correlation. For example, a purchase order number such as 12345.