Operating system verification

Before you install Sterling B2B Integrator, you must perform certain operating system verification tasks.

You must verify your operating system configuration by using the following checklist:

For the Operating System Operating System Configuration Checklist Your Notes
HP-UX Establish these settings:
  • Verify kernel parameters and establish the following minimum settings by running kctune command:
    • kctune max_thread_proc 1024
    • kctune maxdsiz 2147483648
    • kctune maxdsiz_64bit 8589934592
    • kctune maxssiz 369098752
    • kctune maxssiz_64bit 536870912
  • Run the ulimit utility, verify, and establish the following minimum settings:
    • ulimit -d = 2097152 KB or higher
    • ulimit -s = 360448 KB or higher
AIX® To ensure that /install_dir/install directory has the necessary permissions, AIX users must run the following command on the parent directory of the /install_dir/install directory before installation:
chmod -R a-s <absolute path>/install_dir_parent

where install_dir_parent is the directory in which /install_dir/install is created.

For example, to specify

AIX_1/applications/test1/my_install as your installation directory, run the command from the AIX_1/applications directory (directly above the test1 directory):

chmod -R a-s test1

or from another location on the file system:

chmod -R a-s /AIX_1/applications/test1

This command ensures that when the my_install directory is created during installation, it inherits the correct permissions from the test1 directory.

The ncargs parameter specifies the maximum allowable size of the ARG/ENV list (in 4 KB blocks) when the exec() subroutines are run. Set the ncargs parameter to 16 or higher.

To display the current value of ncargs, enter the command lsattr -El sys0 -a ncargs.

To change the current value of ncargs, enter the command chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=NewValue.

Note: The lsattr command option is –El (lowercase L) and the chdev command option is –l (lowercase L).

Change the following default entries in the /etc/security/limits file:

  • fsize = -1
  • core = 2097151
  • cpu = -1
  • data = 262144
  • rss = 65536
  • stack = 65536
  • nofiles = 4096
Linux® You must disable SE Linux by entering the following text:
/etc/sysconfig/selinux: SELINUX=disabled

Ensure that /etc/hosts has short-names first for all entries. For example,

If the base locale is English, verify the following values:
  • LANG variable is en_US
  • LANG variable is exported
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Make the following system changes:
  1. If the base locale for the system is English, edit the /etc/sysconfig/i18n file by changing the SUPPORTED variable from en_US.utf8 to en_US. You can also allow multiple support with the following format: en_US.utf8:en_US
  2. Save and close the /etc/sysconfig/i18n file.
  3. Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file by adding the following lines:
    • * hard nofile 8196
    • * soft nofile 4096
    • * hard memlock 3000000
    • * soft memlock 3000000
    • * hard nproc 16000
    • * soft nproc 16000
    • * hard stack 512000
    • * soft stack 512000

    This change updates the system ulimits. For nofile, set the value to unlimited.

  4. Save and close the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
  5. Restart the system.

IBM Installation Manager in UI mode might fail to start on an RHEL 6.1 or higher x86_64 (64-bit) OS because Installation Manager is a 32-bit application and depends on some of the 32-bit libraries.

For information about installing the required 32-bit OS libraries, refer to the IBM Support website (https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21459143)

Because of a known issue with the IBM JDK on RHEL 6.1 or higher, a performance degradation might be seen in comparison to previous RHEL releases. To avoid this issue, disable the CFS on RHEL 6.1 or higher.

To disable CFS:

  1. Log in as root
  2. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add "kernel.sched_compat_yield = 1"
  3. Restart the system

For more information, go to the IBM SDK and Runtime Environment Java™ Technology Edition Version 6 information Center and search for known limitations on Linux.

Solaris Set the following entries in the /etc/security/limits file:
  • nofiles = 4096 (recommended value is unlimited)
  • set rlim_fd_max=4096 (limit is 65535) - hard limit
  • set rlim_fd_cur=4096 - soft limit
  • To make the setting effective as the hard limit, restart the server or run the following command:
    kill -1 inetd
  • To make the setting effective as the soft limit, use the parent shell configuration (for example, .profile). Then, restart the server.
SUSE Linux Make the following system changes:
  1. If the base locale for the system is English:
    • For the individual user, edit the $HOME/.i18n file by setting export LANG="en_US".
    • For a system-wide change, edit the /etc/sysconfig/language file by setting RC_LANG="en_US". You must also set ROOT_USES_LANG="yes".
  2. You can also allow multiple support with the following format: RC_LANG="en_US.utf8:en_US"
  3. Save and close the file. Language settings take effect on your next session.
  4. Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file by adding the following lines:
    • * hard nofile 8196
    • * soft nofile 4096
    • * hard memlock 3000000
    • * soft memlock 3000000
    • * hard nproc 16000
    • * soft nproc 16000
    • * hard stack 512000
    • * soft stack 512000

    This change updates the system ulimits. For nofile, set the value to unlimited.

  5. Save and close the /etc/security/limits.conf file.
  6. Restart the system.