IBM Tivoli Composite Application Agent for J2EE, Version 7.1

Specifying data collection for custom MBeans

If you have custom MBeans, customize the generic configuration for Java™ Management Extensions (JMX) data collection.

Perform the following procedure to customize the generic configuration for JMX data collection:

  1. The following table describes the parameters you can use:
    Table 1. Parameters for JMX MBean Configuration file
    Element Name Sub-element Name Description
    DomainList Version Defines the version of the application server
    Domain Name Defines a domain. If the asterisk (*) is defined, all MBeans that match the query “ObjectName” will be returned. Otherwise, the MBeans that belong only to this domain name will be returned.
    Domain Description Describes the domain. This can be any text string.
    Domain MBean Defines the MBeans to be collected
    MBean ObjectName Defines the MBean object name for collection. If the MBean element is used within an Attr element (which indicates the embedded MBean), then the object name is any symbolic name, such as $ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. This symbolic name will be replaced with the actual object name internally.
    MBean Category Defines a unique key for the MBean. Each MBean must have a unique key, which is used in the JMXAcquireAttribute to get the MBean attributes.
    MBean RetrieveAllAttrs A value of true indicates that all the attributes for the MBean must be collected. There is no need to define the attributes in the Attr element.
    MBean Attr Defines the attributes to be collected
    Attr Name The attribute name
    Attr MappedKey Defines a unique key for the attribute. Each attribute must have a unique key, which is used in the JMXAcquireAttribute to get the specific attribute.
    Attr MBean Defines the embedded MBean within this attribute. This tag is used when an attribute has an embedded MBean, which points to another MBean with the object name.
    Attr JavaBean Defines the embedded MBean within this attribute. This tag is used when an attribute has an embedded MBean, which points to another MBean object. The object is the java object, which has the elements of a JavaBean (setter, getter).
    Attr TargetType Defines the type of the attribute. This is usually specified for the JavaBean type to determine the attribute type.
  2. The following example shows a customized MBean configuration file:
        <Description>Custom MBean Conf</Description>
  3. Complete one of the following steps:
    • Save the file as DC_home/itcamdc/etc/custom_mbeanconfig.xml, and complete the following steps:
      1. Open the custom_directory/ file.
      2. Uncomment the line beginning with am.camtoolkit.jmxe.custom by removing the number (#) sign.
    • Save the file in any directory on your server, then complete the following steps:
      1. Open the custom_directory/ file.
      2. Uncomment the line beginning with am.camtoolkit.jmxe.custom by removing the number (#) sign.
      3. Change this line by specifying the path and name for the file you modified in Step 1.
