IBM Tivoli Composite Application Agent for J2EE, Version 7.1.1

Unconfigure the Data Collector from application server instances

If you no longer want to monitor an application server instance, unconfigure the Data Collector from it. If you want to uninstall ITCAM Agent for J2EE, you must unconfigure the Data Collector from all instances.

To unconfigure the Data Collector from server instances, copmlete the following procedure:
  1. Enter the Agent Configuration window. After installation of the Agent on Windows systems, if you have selected Launch Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services for additional configuration options and to start Tivoli Monitoring services, this window opens automatically. Otherwise, see Entering the Agent Configuration window.
  2. Select Unconfigure Application Server for DC Monitoring and click Next.
  3. Select the instances to unconfigure and click Next.
  4. The configuration utility validates the application server connection and applies the unconfiguration. Click Next
  5. The unconfiguration summary information is displayed. To export the summary report to a file, click the Export Summary Report button. The application server needs to be restarted before the Data Collector unconfiguration takes effect. Click Home to return to the Agent Configuration window, or click OK to complete the configuration process.
  6. On Linux and Unix systems, the Agent advanced configuration window is displayed; see Configure the monitoring agent connection to the monitoring server for instructions about using this window.
